Everyone needs a coach; it doesn’t matter if you are a CEO, Athlete, Artist, Performer, someone looking to grow his or her career, or an individual starting out.

We all need people to give us feedback, to help us to improve or to look at things differently.

Some of the best CEO’s around the world engage with a coach to discuss in a confidence a variety of topics. Some of the best athletes tap into a coach to work on specific areas to help them perform better.

In working with a professional coach you will see changes you may never have thought possible.  A coach helps you get results no matter how large or small the need is.

Our one to one, confidential meetings allow you to tap into an outside resource and put in place tools to specifically help you. If you want to engage and commit to gaining lasting results, then Roud Career Coaching is for you.

I partner with individuals to help meet your best most authentic self.  Between us, I’ll help you find answers.

Coaching works. So what do you want to do?

For a one to one meeting on personal career growth and career development please get in contact with me. 

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at