It’s a few days late but the last week has been busy with clients and planning for 2017. 

This book really had an impact on me! It has allowed me to understand and refine my goals for 2017 (and beyond)…….. 

If you are looking for a read over the summer break about a guy who on the night before his 40th experienced a chilling glimpse of his future. Rich, 50 pounds’ overweight and unable to climb the stairs to bed without stopping, he could see where his current sedentary lifestyle was taking him. What commitment would it take to make a real change? 

He is a recovering drug and alcoholic, who within a few months went from out of shape midlifer to endurance machine. Fining Ultra recounts his remarkable journey to the starting line of the elite Ultraman competition which pits the worlds fittest humans in a 320-mile ordeal of swimming, biking and running. Following this he conquered an even greater one: the EPIC5 – five Ironman –distant triathlons, each on a different Hawaiian island (oh, to be completed in less than a week). 

Finding Ultra, will show you just what willpower can accomplish! He was voted one of the worlds 25 fittest men and to me an example of “yes” you can make a change; you just might need to want it enough! 

And all this done on a plant based diet! 

To me having competed in a number of Ironman events, I have been thinking about my next challenge (I think I have found it!)

I want to end the year wishing you and your families a safe and wonderful Xmas break, I look forward to serving you all in 2017. Our office will be closed from 22nd Dec and my first appointments start again on 9th Jan 2017, (most of that week is booked out).

Should you want to take control of your career, then get in touch to book your one 2 one appointment,

Merry Xmas, 

Nick – Career Coach
Unleash your most authentic self