With many of us itching to get back to work on the 9th Jan 2017 after a well deserved and I hope relaxing break, I wanted to share some thoughts. Many of these things I do on a regular basis. It’s not that I am a clean freak (far from it) but I appreciate taking time to clear my work space so I feel refreshed and clear in the head. Above all, for me a clean office space helps me feel in control and on top of the work I love, coaching individuals to be their most authentic self. 


: Clean your office space and desk. 

: Put things in a specific place – treat yourself to some new folders and files, maybe grab yourself a new phone cover or that beautiful pen you have always wanted. Recycle or gift away unwanted or unneeded things.

: Try and keep your space as comfortable and safe as you desire after all you spend a great deal of time at work. 

: Get some pictures of loved ones, friends or family – treat yourself to a new coffee cup (a friend of mine bought me a coffee cup with pictures of my dog Jaya on it which I treasure) 

: Flowers always brighten up a dull desk – or just some dried lavender around the place works!

: Try and make a promise for 2017, that for any bits of paper that are still on your desk by Friday lunch time, you either file, scan or put them in the recycling bin. Don’t just leave them to collect dust.

: Get yourself an old show box and fill it with healthy treats / snacks so you avoid the sugar explosion: – almonds, dates, pieces of coconuts, dried fruits are a great healthy alternative to chocolate & chips.

: If like me you have a bag full of training gear –then don’t forget to take it home to clean.

: Empty out your bin every day (remember to recycle) it’s your mess after all

: Keep a “ongoing” action / thoughts list, and when things pop into your mind write them down – review this at end of the day and plan the following day.

: Emails/Internet – only you know what works best for you, I try and keep these off when I have important work to do unless I need them for research etc. 

: If you have a window and are able to open – get some fresh air into your office space.

Above all make your work space as welcoming and comfortable as you want. 

Have a great start to your year and don’t forget to pace yourself and have regular breaks!


Look after yourself. 

Nick Roud – Career Coach 021375630

Unleash your most authentic self

