Morning all, a couple of questions have come in on our fantastic podcasts over the last few days, I hope the following helps explain a little more.
:– Can you put up a list of books Rob has read on Business? – Sure I will ask the man and add them to our show notes not a problem
:- How recent did you record this? – Rob and I sat down on Monday 12th Feb 2018
:- Do I have to pay to access this? No you don’t it is totally free (and it will always be free)
:-Where can I listen to your podcast? I will always place my podcasts onto our website you can also jump onto iTunes and subscribe (free) under The Nick Roud Podcast (hey also write a review if you have time really appreciate that)
:-Can my company sponsor the Podcast? Get in touch with me, I am extremely keen to keep the content pure and absolutley relevant to our listeners.
:-How often will you Podcast? My aim is to bring on relevant and thought provoking guests that bring life to a topic around, Careers, Business, Life and Wellbeing. I have a number of special guests booked and lined up and will do everything I can to ensure you get quality over quantity.
:-I dont have a smart-phone how do I listen to it? This may have come from my dad? Best place is my website
:- Can you sort out the noise levels? Yes, I am trying my utmost to ensure the sound quality is good, bear with me on this…..
:- Will you video these so we can also see your guest? Ummmm, let me sort out the best sound first lets see how we go with audio – also I have a face for Radio……..:)
Hope that all helps, again if you like what you hear, please share around friends, family and work mates. All welcome. Look after yourself. Nick – Roud Career Coaching 021375630