I am delighted to welcome back onto The Nick Roud Podcast – “The Everyday Executive”. He was my very first guest onto our Podcast (episode 1) where we had a broad conversation on: “Growing Your Career” presenting to groups, as an Executive ways to take a step back, moving from one industry to another, getting the best from yourself and (your teams) ways to slow down etc (a must listen for those growing there professional career).

Today after a lot of positive feedback we dive very deep into one of those original topics “Changing Industries”. We dig into and have a meaningful conversation around “Changing Industries” and a few areas I hope will help us all “Improve”

  • Why is it perceived very hard to transition from one industry to another?

  • Why do hiring managers keep “buying” the same?

  • How, by hiring a person from a so called “different industry” might pay dividends to your organisaiton!

  • How to present yourself when considering an industry move

  • Why individuals are also frustrated!

One of the big take aways is, please dont get frustrated – keep the focus and articulate the relevance! If you need support get in touch.

A personal favour: getting our podcasts infront of those that want to improve is important. To help can you jump onto iTunes under The Nick Roud Podcast and simply “like it” and if you can “write a review” that would be so very kind.  I am extremely grateful for your support.

Look after yourself and enjoy todays podcast as we go into “Changing Industries”

Nick – Career Coach

Roud Career Coaching


Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at