Roud Career Coaching – CV done, so what next?

by | Apr 16, 2018

It is a common question asked to me. “Nick I have now got my Executive or Professional CV where I want it to be, what next?”  Well below are a few things you may wish to consider, and, if you have worked with me on this you know your CV will be just amazing, (time and money well spent)……!!

One big piece of advice…..Never let anyone use your CV without your permission……..

  • Celebrate (well done) it takes a lot of time/thought and personal inward thinking to get your CV completed to a professional standard. 
  • Consider, who should now be in a position to see/receive your CV (chose wisely – less is more!!)
  • Consider, what organisations might be interested in your CV
  • Consider, what Executive Search Companies should be updated
  • Consider what “Professional” Recruitment Companies should be updated
  • Consider who are the specific HR / Managers that should be updated
  • Organisations, many mid-large organisations have Careers Sites within there Corporate Website, do you feel you should up-load your CV to them?
  • Consider how your CV translates to your Social Media Accounts – such as LinkedIn! 
  • If you do up-load your CV onto Job Boards – try to make sure you filter down all the key positions you are interested in.

Now the important part. Keep a track of what you are doing with your CV. If you don’t have a “tracker” then build one in Excel – keep it up to date with who, what, why etc, please make a point of keeping this up to date and be in control.

During the year, your skills, achievements, qualifications etc may change, don’t forget to update your CV as this will really support and help you in your career (long-term).

If you are looking for support on your CV let me know, you can reach me on 021375630 or email me 

Look after yourself and congratulations on making your CV work for you.

Nick – Roud Career Coaching





For a confidential conversation about your leadership coaching needs, call Nick on +6421375630 or email him

Nick Roud

Nick Roud

Executive Leadership Coach

Nick is the Chairman of Nick Roud Coaching and a Global Award Winning Executive Coach. Nick holds the highest coaching qualification MCEC. His clients are typically Chief Executive Officers, Executives and Emerging Leaders. Nick’s office is based in Auckland, New Zealand and he travels extensively around the world to coach his clients. You can contact Nick directly on +6421375630