Interviews. Forget what you think the person sitting opposite you “wants to hear”

Boy, interviews they are extremely hard to judge and even harder to get right.

But there is one specific thing you can control (you).

My main piece of encouragement for anyone heading in for an interview today, be it a relaxed “coffee chat” a “1st round interview”, a “2nd round interview”, a “panel interview” or a “international conference call” is this.

Forget what you think the person sitting opposite you “wants to hear” and “focus on who you are and what you bring”. Relax, breath, listen and really enjoy your time with that person.

Remember you only have 1 chance at an interview!

Go have a wonderful day where ever you are in the world

Nick, Executive Coach,

Roud Career Coaching

Nick is an executive coach and engaged by CEOs, senior executives, leaders and high performing individuals. Since starting his coaching business in 2016, Nick has coached over 300 individuals 90% of Nick’s clients are executives. You can contact Nick on 021375630 or email