Professional CVs
by Roud Careers Coaching

The modern CV, what value do you place on them? If you speak to 20 professionals I guarentee you will get 20 different opinions on your CV.

So how do you ensure your CV is truly reflecting ‘You’ and what are some of the areas I see getting clients that all important ‘interview’?

Those of us who have and continue to be frustrated about not getting selected for an interview must at some stage be questioning this very simply question.

‘Why Me’ – why am I not even hearing back from a hiring manger to discuss my CV!

If you are considering a job move be it internally or externally be it moving just around the corner or to the other side of the world I would urge you to really look closely at your CV and ensure it is absolutely reflecting your wonderful gifts, strengths and professional achievements.

When individuals apply for a position within an organisation or via a Search firm/Recruitment company, your CV will be compared to many others. Therefore, you only have a limited time for that person to scan your CV put it in the “must meet” or “must leave” pile. Which one is yours landing in?

How do you impress when you don’t know 100% what the hiring manger really is looking for?

You can’t possibly know so my go to rule of action is

Everything you do, Starts with You!

I was getting my CV together and my wife recommended Nick Roud to run it past to make sure it was up to date. Sadly it was very much out of date, Nick quickly freshened it up making it more current and highlighting my skill set for future employers. Nick worked with me to make it pop. I can not say enough for the invaluable help he has given and the great feedback my ‘new’ CV has generated. It has just landed me my next job, thanks Nick’ S.R. Senior Engineer, Wellington.

I work with you to create a compelling modern CV, post our three, one hour sessions you will be ready to go and apply for that important position. We will break down what is important to you, what you have truly achieved and present it in a way that will set you apart.

Modern CVs are evolving, everything starts with you!

“No two humans are the same – No two CVs are ever the same”

To understand, work on and create your own ‘masterpiece CV’ I run 1-2-1 CV Coaching sessions with those who want to get results! To arrange a suitable time simply click on the below button.

Look after yourself and each other.


Nick Roud – Master Certified Executive Coach
Roud Career Coaching
“unleash your most authentic self”

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at