Are there effective ways for a leader to grow? 

Published by Nick Roud, Executive Coach. Roud Career Coaching

Welcome to today’s leadership blog, thank you for spending some time here, this is written for leaders – no matter your tenure! 

I am not a trained physiologist or counsellor. I am a trained executive coach. It’s absolutely NOT about me, its ALL about you and working with you to help you become the very best leader you can be. 

One thing is for sure executives don’t invest in coaching they invest in results. My job is to get results with you.  To help you be(come) the best leader you can be my coaching approach centres on you. I work with some of the smartest leaders around, all come to me as they want to look at ways to stay ahead of the rest and improve, it goes without saying they share the same intent – to be the very best leader they can possibly be. 

How I would describe my clients, driven and highly focused.

So how do we go about getting the specific results?

To me, it’s important to start from the inside and work out. From our initial meeting we focus on your ‘inner-core’ and what I mean by your ‘inner-core’ are things around, 

·      what is your self-concept? 

·      what are your values?

·      what are your current thinking patterns?

·      what is your purpose? 

Why do we start here and not just work on (weaknesses…….) most clients ask me surly that will generate the best outcome? Well ongoing results continue to show me that if we don’t get to work on your ‘inner-core’ at the very start of our coaching engagement it’s going to be extremely hard to see you improve to the leader you must become. The purpose here is to mature your strengths and put a plan in around your gaps. 

I believe to get lasting results a process needs to be followed whereby I manage and conduct a process over a 6-9 month period, unfortunately there are no quick hacks, these improvements are not done overnight, it takes months if not years to get there.

As a coach I build rapport, trust and credibility quickly in order for you and I to ensure our limited time together is spent wisley. 

We have a coaching agreement (and) non-disclosure agreement that showcases our work together. These agreements lay out from the very beginning who is responsible for what, when and how and a timeline of our work together. Leaders cannot afford to waste time.

As a coach, I need to be extremely accurate in isolating what is ‘inside’ you the leader and from there we can build an individual leadership plan, by using assessments and asking the right questions we lay the foundations to build on.

To see the greatest improvements its vitally important that we work with your key stakeholders, your manager, your peers and your reports to get a sense and views from them on what you are like as a leader and as a person. Without gathering there valuable insight and feedback we might be missing valuable ingredients that can support your growth.

During the 6-9 months you will receive a great deal of information from me, reports, insights, readings etc. Helping you to bring all this information together and ‘join – the – dots’ to deeply understand how this information can help you quickly progress. In these reports and assessments we are looking at themes that are coming out from these reports in terms of your gifts and strengths, how can you grow and improve these to even greater heights? How do you embrace and grow the areas that you need to work on, what are your key development areas surrounding any critical weaknesses? 

A one page plan is then created by you and over 3, 6 and 9 months we will measure how you are ‘improving’. Feedback shared by many of my clients is to them this is the time they start to see change and from key stakeholders feedback this is when they actually notice the difference. 

If you are looking to leverage your potential and become a greater leader and person you may well benefit from my leadership coaching program. 


Master Certified Executive Coach 

‘Unleash Your Most Authentic Self’