A leader who understands themselves first will create a lasting business for the future.
Nick Roud is an executive coach and the #1 Authority on Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching in New Zealand. Nick partners Senior Executives, CEOs, Directors, General Managers, Heads of Departments and High Potential Individuals to improve as a leader and a person. Nick has worked with over 350 executives over the last 2 years across New Zealand, welcome to his regular blog on all things “leadership”
Everyday we are bombarded from a variety of sources talking about “executing the plan”. This is all well and good but as a leader, as a high performing manager in today’s fast than ever moving beast, how can you possibly “execute” without a few very important ingredients.
Working with those who are at the very pinnacle of executing the outcome I get to see first hand just how exciting and challenging this is.
When you are managing people, a process, a business deliverable it is your job to ensure not only those involved have clarity on expectations but you are ensuring those who have been set the task are clearly informed on the important progress steps. As a manager it’s very much a juggling act – knowing when to push and when to pull. Those that bring strong “subject matter” skills and knowledge tend to mange people, process and business deliverables extremely well.
Mad as it seems but as a leader you are very much the sole person who is making the business decision that will continue to propel your organisation forwards. It is not your responsibility to be “subject matter” expert in every different facet or pocket of your organisation (you have hired well into those key areas) you are igniting your visioning purpose and sharing this with your organisation.
In working with senior leaders to help them uncover their purpose wonderful things happen. Not only do true leaders step up and ignite those around them but the entire organisation starts to point in the direction “together”.
So the question remains, are you the person holding the glue together – a manager with an extremely strong skill set OR are you the leader who can truly uncover the passion and buttons to leave your organisation in a better place then when you joined?
The plan around “executing” will only work if you as the leader are able to harness its potential, roll with the punches and remained focused.
It’s not easy being a “leader” but I invite you to work with me as your coach on developing your own unique leadership style, where together we enhance your strengths, we understand what others see and think of you (via 360 reviews) and we implement tools that will help you be the very best leader you can be.
Look after yourself,
Nick Roud – Executive Coach
Roud Career Coaching
+64 21 375 630