Thank You Nick” words from my client

A happy client who got the results he wanted, Sept 2019.

A happy client who got the results he wanted, Sept 2019.

Happy Monday team, I hope you and your loved ones have had a fabulous weekend I hope you are healthy and looking after yourself. Today, I wanted to share with you a short client case study as I understand this may resonate very well with so many individuals. Here goes!

Now, for purpose of confidentiality I won’t share names but will share with you a few key things as I explain a little more; his reason for working with me, our process and his results.

My client is a professional here in New Zealand and has worked for large global business all his career. He had grown to Manager level and by the sounds of things opportunities had easily come his way but in his words, ‘I am not controlling my career’. As a family guy he was starting to really focus on himself and his career and the professional career direction he was potentially heading towards. So, after an initial phone chat we gathered in my global head office and got to work.

His Reason For Working With Me!

Due to recent work changes he had found himself looking for a new position but he was not 100% sure what that might look like or be. The pressure was not on him to start a new job tomorrow but he knew deep down that he wanted this time to really have a plan, well at least a plan that he could say ‘no’ to job offers rather than ‘yes’ to the very first offer. His CV was out of date and sat around 9 pages long, his confidence in interviews had been dented due to the recent changes and to be honest he was struggling to see that his next role should be more ‘people management’.

Our Process

It was clear from our initial face to face meeting that he needed to put a rough plan together – this involved him working through my Personal Development Plan and Career Trajectory tools (something I use with certain professionals to help them ‘get clarity’. This took him a couple of weeks to work through and at the end of this he had ‘clarity on his choices’.

Once this was completed he and I had a place we were trying to get to and for that reason we could then get to work on his current CV which was, out of date, long and absolutely did not reflect the man’s great strengths and acheivements that he had accumulated over the years – nor did it get to the heart of who he was and what he stood for.

This part of our process took a couple of sessions to nail down 90% – well, good enough for him to go to market. In my years of coaching individuals you can never be 100% perfect with a CV – getting it to a 90% state is better than a shoddy document!……Why can’t it be 100%, well to me that comes at the very end of your career when you look back, we should always be looking to improve (shouldn’t we?)…. His old 9 page CV was condensed to a high level, thought provoking, factual – 3 pager and he was immensely proud to start showcasing his work to those organisations and roles that he felt the ‘personal development plan and career trajectory’ had taught him.

With regards to his ‘confidence’ lets just say it was at an all time ‘low’. I wanted him to stop even thinking about going for an interview – we needed to re-ignite/re-establish his confidence and over a couple of heart to heart sessions the ‘spark’ in his eyes had returned and he was so ready to, not only be himself but also he was able to clearly articulate himself. We conducted a 1-on-1 behavioural based interview, this involved me interviewing him for his ideal position. We worked on how he articulated himself, how he presented himself and in doing so his confidence grew…..Now it was up to him……He was ready……

His Results

Here are the stats he recently shared with me – 5 interviews, 4 offers (2 formal 2 verbal) and confirmation he is now joining a business that ‘fits his current need/lifestyle………

All up this took him 2 months!

Boy, how thrilled can a coach be when I hear this wonderful success from a client.

Sometimes we should celebrate the small wins, I know he will be celebrating.

Working with an external coach is not about being told what to do, but you 100% need to get results from your time and investment. Coaching isn’t for everyone as it require you to be open to your own ‘inner voice’ but to those who embrace coaching with me……well lets just say you might just surprise yourself!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed our short client ‘case-study’ blog today.

Look after yourself and each other.

Nick x

Nick Roud (MCEC)

Master Certified Executive Coach

Roud Career Coaching

+64 21 375 630

‘Unleash Your Most Authentic Self’