Leaders all around the world are adapting (and adapting very quickly) – life for us all, our teams, our customers and our families have changed. 2020 has without question shown up great leadership and poor leadership. Every human on this planet is affected by wonderful leaders those who inspire them. Likewise we are hugely effected by poor leaders.

In a recent coaching session with a high potential future leader here in New Zealand my client asked me this question;

‘Nick, What does great leadership actually look like’?

In our conversation on leadership, I had the pleasure of welcoming Stan Peake – best selling author, coach, husband, dad and all round good guy. We unpack the ‘poor-side’ of leadership, the good side of leadership, showing up even when technology is not enabling physical contact, observations into what great leadership can look like and why as we head into 2021 leaders are really stepping up their games, diving deep into their purpose and being vulnerable to not always having all the answers.

Stan has been a previous guest on The Nick Roud Podcast, Episode 19 where we discussed his most recent book Success is a System. He recently spent 8 months recording exceptional content for his recent business launch and for listeners to our conversation feel free to click on that link and you will also receive his best selling book Success is a System.

This conversation is all about our observations of leadership through the eyes of a coach.

Don’t be fooled into thinking leadership is easy, its not – it takes years to be the very best leader you can be, it takes failure, it involves sleepless nights, it involves making daily tough calls and juggling a variety of situations but the underlining view on why do people lead is because they want others to be extremely successful and I love that.

If you are a leader or thinking about stepping into a leadership role in 2021 then I hope this inspires you forwards, the world needs great leaders.

Look after yourself and each other,

Enjoy our conversation

Nick x

(recorded December 2020)