My blog today had planned to be one on ‘Attitude’ but I will leave this for next week!

I’m reflecting like many of us on the fact that the world we all live in is quite different from last week and next week will be different to today. And I know from talking to my family on the other side of the world, friends here in New Zealand and clients around the world you feel the same.

Leaders, health professionals and governments are working tirelessly on extremely complex decisions and are re-looking at important decisions on a daily basis to keep our countries, communities and people safe, while also progressing each of our businesses forwards.  So I urge each of us to respect what they are doing and remember that they too have families, friends and are human just like you and me!!

Many of my clients have been in contact with me today and firstly its good to hear that they and their families are doing what is being asked of them, and I am so extremely proud that the leaders who I have the absolute privilege of partnering are stepping up in such tricky situations, making tough calls and leading from the heart. GREAT WORK…..PLEASE KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING……

Like so many of us I take my role as a coach and a business owner extremely serious and I absolutely care 150% about you and your families. We can each do our little bit right now. As we continue to support individuals I want you to be sure you have a view of the steps available to you and your teams here at Roud Career Coaching.

We want to hold our coaching sessions from this week online, I respect what we each need to do and it’s a real shame that at the moment we cannot sit alongside each other, share a coffee and meaningful conversation, so with that in mind I welcoming you to my ‘online coaching room’ aka ZOOM. To me this is the next best thing and I cannot wait to therefore share an online coffee with you as we continue our coaching work together.

Also we have moved heaven and earth to get these online coaching programs set up to ensure you keep improving. We had these planned for release later in 2020/21 but now is the right time to share them with you.

Roud Career Coaching our coaching programs online.

And, whilst we read and hear today about the sudden job losses around New Zealand and other parts of the world I extend our coaching support around your career, please do get in touch and lets see how we can be of service to you and your careers. If I cannot help you I will do my absolute best to connect you with a coach where ever you are in the world who I trust and know will be able to support you.

For those of you who are connected with me on LinkedIn I am going to try my best to share reliable information that will keep us all positive 🙂

If there are things you need from me, please let us know.

Do not be a stranger, reach out and let’s do our very best to keep positive team.

It goes without saying as I close out today’s blog, please, please, please…….

Look after yourself and each other.

Nick Roud

CEO | Roud Career Coaching
