Confused, unsure, starting out again, rebuilding?

These are common words shared with me over the past few months from clients who have engaged with me following my offer to personally coach (45 people free of charge) who have been effected by Covid. Unfortunately I have worked up to today Friday 5th June with (43) professionals and in my heart of hearts this is just the tip of the ice-berg, I appreciate that the next few months are going to be very important to many people here in NZ and around the world. So I hope that today’s career blog helps you to focus.

As we head into the weekend and potentially Level One next week here in New Zealand, now it might be an important time not to dwell, to panic or to try and justify things, please rest assured that it is vitally important that you allow your emotions to go through all of the above but its important to calmly sit down and act! but now is the time to Sit down and Act!

Finding and making the time to sit down and act will really help you. Please don’t wait for things to happen.

If you have been made redundant you now have a full time job and that is (to find your next job/venture/opportunity). Throw out many things that we new a few months back, the world has changed and those of us who Act will be heading in the right direction.

Unless you have been made redundant or lossed your job you may never know what it really is like to look in the mirror at yourself and see first hand the enormous pressure that can sit with you! So if you are approached by somebody over the next few months who has unfortunately been made redundant can I ask you one thing please…….be kind……

What do I mean by, Sit Down And Act?

When coaching professionals over this last few months I’ve noticed and experienced so many sides to people. Some have wanted to rant and rave about this or that and others have said ok this has happened what are the things I need to do now! When we talk about Sit Down & Act I am urging you to make a start and to start to prepare yourself for your next chapter……

Covid has certainly left its mark hasn’t it, all of us around the world have been effected in some way or other. From the very worst of things of losing a loved one through to a mate losing his/her job or even business. My parents lost one of their best mates, one of my closest friend lost their gran, I have had mates lose their jobs and I have mates who have had to lay people off from their business. The pain and the suffering is what none of us want or set up to do in our careers. So let all come together and help each other.

Some things that might be worth considering

  • Embrace what has happened (we need our heads to kick in and for us to try as best we can to think very clearly) if you are not thinking clearly…….. stop and come back to it later.

  • Take time to look after yourself and seek help from professionals if you need to (please ask for help)

  • Plan time for you – walks, exercises, reading, painting, baking, resting listening to music (what ever it is to just look after you)

  • Reach out to friends, family to share with them your thoughts (communication is very important) what has happened, what you are thinking

  • Update people, work friends, previous bosses, those you have worked with, those you have studied with etc. I say to all my clients you just don’t know who knows who and who might therefore be able to help you into your next job, if you don’t ask you will not know……

  • Create a Master List and regularly update…..include;

    • People who can help, emails, phone numbers etc

    • Places you might like to work, names of organisations, decision makers, friend you may know who work their, career sites etc

    • Industries / sectors that you are interested in

    • Courses/Skills that you would like to develop and grow

    • If you are going to start your own business what do you need to do

  • Ask yourself a few questions

    • What do I want to do

    • Why do I want to do this

    • What am I exceptional at

    • What do I do that can help other companies, people etc….

    • What do you not want to do

      • create build or just jot down your own job description this is a powerful thing to do when you are searching for a job, why…..because it focuses you on what you actually WANT to be doing!!!!

    • What is my purpose?

  • Update your CV

  • Update your social media sites

  • Update your phone message/emails etc

Where To Next is a fantastic opportunity for us all to really look and work out the opportunities that might be ahead of us, investigate and try out new things.

Where To Next allows us all to focus and to look at what really is important. What do you really want and actually need in life?

Where To Next has so many potentials and opportunities if only you are willing to seek them out!

Where To Next allows you to be in control and to set course.

If you need any support, help or a sounding board, I would love to be of service.

You are not alone.

Look after yourself and each other,

Nick – Coach

Roud Career Coaching


About Nick Roud

Nick is a Master Certified Executive Coach and Top 3 Coach in the World on Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching. He has partnered leaders and professionals since 2006 and is hired by professionals who want to improve in their leadership and careers. He is married to Nicola and they have 2 kids, Louie & Willow. Roud Career Coaching Global HQ is a 20ft shipping container parked on Auckland’s North Shore, New Zealand more information about Nick can be found here

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at