Many of us have faced this very question during our careers. Some reading today’s career blog may be asking themselves such a question right now!. What do you do when you are in a career you hate?

These are a few common themes shared to me by clients

  • You may have joined a manager who is no longer your manger.

  • You may have joined an organisation who’s direction (today) has changed and that direction is not inline with your own career direction.

  • Or maybe you have just fallen out of love with what you signed up for.

An example from my own career.

I remember a time in my career, a time when things were going really well – teams were all pulling together, common trust was in vogue, business was flying everything was pointing in the right direction…………….. but then gradually over about a year behaviours started to change. I started to change. I grinned and beard it for a few months but deep inside I felt sick to the core. I would wake up shower – stare in the mirror and hate what was looking back at me. I would return home every single night of the week completely drained of any spark.

In hindsight I had changed, (only I could control my attitude and behaviours) not those around me. After lengthy, deep and some of the most life changing conversations with a few very close relationships I knew it was me who needed to make a change. And that change was the best thing I could have ever done (more of that in my new book out soon Discover Your True Self)

Like anything in life you have options.

Below are two specific options you might want to digest and think through if you are in a career you hate.

Option One – Shift Your Mindset!

Take it upon yourself to shift your own mindset. This work takes time and shouldn’t be rushed. Thats right the change has to start with you. Only you can control you so why don’t we drill into and focus on that.

Let’s find your positive mindshift – Ask yourself these questions every day.

  • Did I show up and be myself today?

  • Did I chose to be very present each and ever moment of the day?

  • Did I do my very best to contribute to the organisation to those people around me?

  • Did I take time out for looking after myself, be it a walk, a song, a dance what ever gives you those special important times just to focus in on what makes you so very happy?

Our mindset ebbs and flows so spend time in the day to work on this, find what works for you. If you really are unhappy and hate your career this is a good starting place. Try it. Take the time to move your own mindset and bring positivity to your own situation (let me know how you go)

When I was a really really really young kid one of my best mates Paul Joseph mum used to say to my parents ‘Nick has the most beautiful smile – he is always smiling and happy it makes me smile and happy’…………remember that – it is ok to smile and to be happy – it is ok to let that happiness spread around your family, friends and work mates. Give it a go.

A client of mine recently called for some advice. During the conversation he said something that I will never forget. Nick whenever I phone you you always seem so happy and it flows down the phone to me and lifts my spirits……..

Smiling helps not only yourself but those around you.

If you are struggling to spark that smile back up here’s some things that support me….., I have a few things very close to my working desk, including a picture of the family, Nicola, Louie and Willow, a picture of The Beatles walking across Abbey Road and a picture of me crossing Ironman New Zealand with my mates screaming in the background (well it was at night I thing they were screaming…..) Just put up some pictures that make you smile and take time to look at those when on calls or about to jump onto a video meetings.

So with option one if you are unhappy, miserable – disconnected to you current career, it’s up to you and only you to connect in with yourself. Why waste time and energy being miserable, life is too short my friend?

So that leads us onto;

Option Two – Exit Your Career!

If you have decided that enough is enough I am out of here hold your horses. Let’s have a quick crash course on things I’d encourage you to work though.

  1. What are your financial commitments and therefore what income do you really need?

  2. What do you actually want to do?

  3. What work aligns to your values and purpose – how could that make you alive and happy?

  4. What are your nonnegotiable?

In my career coaching business my clients get some really useful insights once they have nail out those 4 questions. Whenever anyone is looking to exit thier career don’t just rinse and repeat, get clarity and get focus.

Some people are not in a position to exit their current career / to leave a job and find something else. Let me therefore encourage you to really hone into Option One, Shift your mindset.

I love receiving update emails from people around the world feel free to email me

Yours in coaching

Nick x


Nick Roud - Coaching Professionals since 2006. Award winning Executive Coach 2021 & 2020

Nick Roud – Coaching Professionals since 2006. Award winning Executive Coach 2021 & 2020



Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at