With so much stuff going on around us, it is sometimes important but hard to stop and re-think our purpose around the hidden “little gem” we all seek. As others can inspire us with one liners and catchy phrases, it is important to understand that self-motivation is what will ultimately gain the outcome we all desire.
I have the pleasure of working with clients on this. So, I thought this would be a good topic to jot down and share some thoughts on. As always, I really hope this is of use to you.
Self-motivation is a quality we all need to foster, if we are to exceed our goal of becoming successful in our chosen field. Remembering it is your goal, and you need to build the motivation within yourself so that you will become committed to reaching it. Unless you pay attention to what you want, nothing much will happen or change in your world, and one day will roll into the next. Opportunities and learnings may also pass you by.
From the moment, we are born we are “self-learning”, how to eat, how to walk, how to talk, what it means to hurt ourselves etc. Just like this, our professional lives can also follow the same “self-learning” curves.
Some key things that might be of help to you:
· Focus – being totally committed and motivated to the goal (remembering to be flexible and not too hard on yourself if things slightly change)
· Behaviors – look at what habits increase your motivation and get rid of those that don’t (remembering you know yourself the best)
· Learn – become a self-taught expert and learn from others (remembering this can come from a variety of areas, reading, on the job experience, podcasts etc.)
· Time Management – we all get 24 hours in a day – go forth and plan when you are at your best, most energised and able to clearly focus (remembering all the while you are in control)
· Reach out to others who can support and help you (remembering there is no shame in asking others for a view point)
If you are interested to find out more about yourself and want to continue to personally develop then like others before you, I would welcome the opportunity to support you.
Look after yourselves,
Nick Roud – Career Coach 021375630
Roud Career Coaching