Leadership & Career Blog, by Multi Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach

Where Leaders Come To Grow.

by Nick Roud

How Executive Coaching plays a vital part to Leadership. 

by Nick Roud, Executive Coach


Sitting on top of the world’s highest mountain is not for everyone, it takes an enormous amount of personal sacrifice, planning, determination, self-confidence, tenacious focus and a fair bit of help from others to see your goal achieved. The same can be said for leadership! 

Sitting on top of Mt Everest there is nowhere to hide, no one to hold onto, no one to potentially share that very moment with. As you suck onto a depleting tank of air the emotion of something you have trained so hard for over so many years finally hits home and you spend a few precious mins taking it all in. It’s now time to turn and head back down the mountain. 

As a leader how much does this resonate with you?

Many great leaders around the world remark that leadership is very much like “sitting on top of the world” all be it with plenty of fresh air to keep you alive. As a CEO or aspiring CEO there are no rule books, no pathway to follow, you have a blank canvas to scribe out your journey. How exciting the journey will be.

Great leaders don’t just luck themselves to the top, they don’t just wake up one day and they find themselves running a business. Like preparing to take on the highest mountain they need also to put plans in place, get around the right people, have the specific tools/equipment and no when to push, when to sit and when to retract. 

Amazing and talented athletes just like leaders have spent hours and hours practicing, visualising, trying new ways,  reflecting, getting back up after knock backs and pushing the bar. Leadership is mastered less by process and more by determination, persistence and making good on personal decisions. One thing that keeps resonating with me when partnering great leaders is the need to keep moving – to keep progressing, observing the present and also aligning this with the outside elements. Navigating your way takes all the above!

A wonderful example of a globally recognised senior executive CEO on “coaching”


Coaching is more personalised than consulting and its less emotionally intensive than therapy! Executive Coaching is first and foremost about helping you be the best version of yourself as a leader. Coaching towards your future and ensuring the oxygen lasts takes time and every leader takes a different path. If you research or sit with any business icon there is a good chance that they have or had a coach in there career just like any professional athlete.  So many great leaders pay testament to the fact that having a coach helped them to succeed and get the results they deserve.  

When an executive decides on coaching for themselves or perhaps the Board of Directors have recommended this, the sense of positivity is very common among the executive. What this also shows is the board, believe in you as an individual and believes your ability to do great things. They are willing to invest in executive coaching for you so you can fulfil your true potential and we as an organisation can then all enjoy the benefits. 

It should not be seen as a sign of “weakness”. When you take a very close look at all the worlds top athletes around the world, they typical have a number of “coaches” that work with them on specific areas. Those athletes want only to be the very best at what they do, exactly the same for an executive when he or she decides on executive coaching, they want to be the very best at what they do and lets face it nobody can do it all on their own

Results that leaders share with me on coaching? 

  • more effective in their leadership approach

  • results for themselves, for business, for teams and for individuals

  • improve self confidence 

  • gain better work life balance

    • thus becoming the very best, most authentic version of themselves. 

Written by Nick Roud, Executive Coach #1 Executive Coach in New Zealand on Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching. It would be a privilege to discuss more about the executive coaching programs that many successful leaders work with me on. I look forward to continuing to work with driven, interesting executives who want to get results. 

Nick Roud – Executive Coach

+6421 375 630

Roud Career Coaching 


I coach (senior executives), CEOs, Directors, General Mangers, Managers, High Potential individuals who want to improve. 90% off my clients are senior executives.

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Nick is a multi award winning leadership coach. His clients are Chief Executive Officers, Senior Executives and Emerging Leaders. 1:1 Confidential engagements.

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