In my interviews and coaching sessions with CEOs I have the pleasure of observing some of the smartest minds around. It’s a huge privilege to work closely with them on their own leadership. No two CE are the same, all walked different routes to the pinnacle position of an executive leader and all have their own dreams and wishes.

We speak confidentially and very candidly on all matters and as time pasts we get to know each other on a much deeper level.

In one of our early coaching sessions which involves a couple of hours of me interviewing the CE, we discuss a number of things, one that seems to be more common than we would expect to see is they never felt ready to take on his or her first CE role.

Words shared with me include, Scared, nervous, unsure, worried, excited, too soon etc.

To any future CE reading today’s daily blog it’s very common to be unsure if you are CE ready. Just like taking on your first people leader role or your first C-level role. You don’t know till you jump with both feet in!

Some of the brightest smartest and most gifted leaders who have served were not ready!

What they did was a few things and how they went about things do have some common patterns.

As you continue to grow your career don’t worry that you are not ready. You won’t be and that’s ok. Ask those big scary questions of your self and find answers. Never stop learning and keep moving forward when everyone else around you may be going backward.

Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it
Nick x | global award winning leadership coach

Our weekly subscription blog will be a longer version of today’s blog CEO Ready.

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at