Time is something we all have the same off 24 hours in each and every day. 

How successful leaders make use of this time is one observation that I continue to pay particular attention to. We often feel as humans that we don’t have enough time in our days to accomplish or even start/progress something. Whilst that may be very relevant to many readers around the world today I’d encourage you to take a little step back and reflect on the following questions

  1. what am I here to do right now?
  2. Is this work I am interested in and or excited by?
  3. Could someone else who is better than me actually do this work? 
  4. Is it important, to me!?

Take a moment each day to think about those 4 question will then enable you to make a formed decision and then progress.

Have you ever come across ‘white-time’? 

If yes you will appreciate the enormous gift it gives you. White time is allowing yourself each and every day 25mins to be by yourself and to do what ever you decide. Sounds easy to do doesn’t it, put 25mins aside each and every day with no technology, no distractions, no meetings, nothing just you and your time. Give it a go and let me know how you go. Most successful executives quit after a week – why? Because it exposes them to an unusual place that is different, is not normal and is a little bit scary. 

Well, I’d encourage you to do this exercise and let me know how much better you feel, more aware, more you! Email me at with how you go.

  • Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it

Nick x | global award winning leadership coach | 

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at