Nick Roud Awarded – Best Executive Leadership Coach 2023.

by | Jun 23, 2023

We have received wonderful news that Nick Roud, our founder has been awarded Best Executive Leadership Coach Auckland 2023, at the Education & Training Awards.

“I am delighted and proud that today we received this recognition, very un-expected and grateful to the judges who have awarded us this award, thank you” Nick Roud, Founder Nick Roud Coaching / Roud Career Coaching.

Nick is a leadership coach, he is hired by CEOs, executives and emerging leaders who want to develop as a leader. His work is accredited, evidence based and results focused. Nick lives in Auckland, New Zealand, is an introvert dyslexia who shy’s away from the spotlight, rather putting his energy and efforts into his clients leadership needs. Nick has completed a number of Ironman events and long form races. He is married to Nicola and they have two kids, Louie 7 and Willow 5.


For a confidential conversation about your leadership coaching needs, call Nick on +6421375630 or email him

Nick Roud

Nick Roud

Executive Leadership Coach

Nick is the Chairman of Nick Roud Coaching and a Global Award Winning Executive Coach. Nick holds the highest coaching qualification MCEC. His clients are typically Chief Executive Officers, Executives and Emerging Leaders. Nick’s office is based in Auckland, New Zealand and he travels extensively around the world to coach his clients. You can contact Nick directly on +6421375630