The Full Rundown
Our Family 2023
Louie, Willow and Nicola (picture 2022)
We all have a unique story, here’s mine
Named by John Mattone as one of his Top 3 Master Certified Executive Coaches in the world. Nick Roud is a multi Global Award winning executive leadership coach and is hired in confidence by very successful CEOs, Executives and Emerging Leaders.
This is now, but how did I get here?
Born to Roy and Diana Roud in Surrey, South East England 1974, I had the greatest childhood anyone could ask for. My dad was an electrician and my mum did the hardest job in the world, raise me and my sister Emma in our wonderful home 55 Elmwood Close, Wallington (the best playground any kid could have asked for). My grandparents were Louis & Eda Halom (my mums parents) and Bill & Chris Roud (my dads parents). Louis & Eda were Hungarian’s who escaped during the war and moved to the UK.
I hated (a strong word but the only way I can describe it) school, always behind, always struggling to make sense of everything, always being laughed at for being ’thick’ but I loved the rugby playing fields – my place to excel and escape.
At the age of 8, I was diagnosed with the greatest gift any person could be given apart from my wife and kids…….’dyslexic’ which is basically a difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols. Why do I call it the greatest gift I will ever receive? Because it allows me to see things differently and this has absolutely helped me be the successful coach I am today. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
After joining a prestigious Chartered Accountancy Firm in London and then moving into one of the oldest Global Exhibition Organising Companies I moved to New Zealand in 2006 but it was in 1995 that I had the opportunity to spend time in NZ the most beautiful country in the world. This is now the place I call ‘home’. I married a beautiful kiwi women Nicola in 2012 and we have two wonderful kids, Louie (named after his grandad) and Willow.
“Life is not a dress rehearsal, enjoy it”
– My Dad
In 2009 a personal challenge was needed for me, so I found a coach #Barb Kramer and together put a plan in place for me to cross the finishing line at Ironman New Zealand 2011. I have since raced a number of Ironman events and without my amazing coach barbs next to me it would have been a real challenge!! Having played rugby in the 90s I tore my ACL and since 1994 I have had 6 knee operations (soon to be number 7) and 3 ACL reconstructions. My message is simple – don’t let anything or anyone stop you from doing what you must do!
Our bodies are amazing its our minds that are the only things that hold us back! Training, competing and getting mentally ready for Ironman has to this day been the most important lessons of my life!
“It’s only when we are in the deepest darkest places that we really find out who we are”
Around the middle of 2016 things were going from good to great – but something deep-down was not right, when I looked in the mirror I was changing, my values and beliefs were not aligned to the environment, I decided to make the biggest move of my life and that was to sell my ownership & shares in a search & recruitment business.
People said I was crazy, mad, foolish but when you don’t feel aligned you have to make the call. Nicola was a beacon of support, she knew what was really going on and her love, support and allowing me time to work things through was huge.
On 1st September 2016 the doors were open to Roud Career Coaching. I have the best job in the whole world, coaching 1-on-1 executives from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. No 2 executives are ever the same – I have a unique approach to coaching (I thank my dyslexia for that :))!!
In 2020 we were Awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy New Zealand at the Asia Pacific Business Awards.
In 2021 we were Awarded Most Outstanding Executive Coaching Consultancy New Zealand at the Global Business Awards.

In November 2021 we re designed our website so you can know head to where you need to go be it coaching on your leadership development Under Nick Roud Executive Coaching or on coaching on your professional career Under Roud Career Coaching.
In 2022 we were named and awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy – New Zealand at the Global Business Awards.
In 2023 Nick was recognised Best Leadership Coaching Company at the Vision Awards
My story is only really just starting since 1st September 2016 It has been a privilege to be in service to over 1,000 leaders and professionals and I can’t wait to be part of your own unique journey!
Look after yourself and each other . Good Vibes!
Yours in coaching
Nick x