Have you ever noticed or observed a truly great leader in action or listened to a friend who shared with you stories of his or her amazing leader/boss ?  

Over the Xmas break I got to reflect on 2022 and journal down observations of the wonderful leaders who I had been fortunate to personally coach. So many different views; ways, styles, approaches. What I was more impressed with and energised by was that as the world get closer together the way leaders from all continents do actually come in all shapes and sizes. 

Like many things in life I do like to reflect, to review and see if  certain things can or should be tweaked. I felt at times in my coaching work a little bit like Tiger Woods just tweaking his grip on a club trying to maximise its effectiveness!. 

It’s not about changed just for change sake. It’s about ensuring I continue to respect and coach the individual. That CE, Executive and or Emerging Leader who is actually an individual and not a clone of someone else.  I’m not one for a cookie cutter approach to executive leadership coaching, just as leadership should be very much about your own approach!  There is no point trying to be someone else is there. You do you!

Leaders all around the world are all born differently. We all have unique qualities or traits if we can be a little more specific. The very reason some leaders lead the way they do and others lead another way is down to the fact they feel a certain way about that approach. What truly great leaders continue to do is observe their approach  (just like Tiger does with his golf clubs) and if things are not feeling quite right they will laser in and try to work out a different approach and this is where Executive Coaching plays a huge part. For many leaders around the world having a coach is like having Tiger observe your swing  it’s very much about observing you in action and along with evidence tweaking the little things that will help you lead effectively. 

Just to be very clear I don’t believe their is a right or wrong way to lead. As you mature and grow as a leader you will collect a tool box of approaches, some of those tools you will avoid using unless for extreme circumstance whilst others you will use every day. 

The very essence of todays daily blog is to give you confidence that it’s vitally important that you find your way or leading. You nurture the things that work and you look at ways to develop or as I like to say, stay ahead of the rest. 

To lead is a privilege. It’s should be an honour, not a burden. Whilst at times it will be extremely challenging you have to have fun in what you do. If not find an alternative career.  

Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it

Nick x | global award winning leadership coach | 

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at