Coaching in Business – Nick Roud, Executive Coach

by | Feb 17, 2019

It’s 2019 and it is fair to say that coaching in business is no longer the rare exception, but is increasingly expected for CEOs, top executives, and other critical leadership positions. Whether you are a large listed business, a government entity, a not 4 profit, or a start up. There is no getting away from the fact that coaching really does help individuals and organisations improve.

Coaching isn’t about teaching someone how to do their job – its assumed the client already knows that. It’s about making a leader’s inherent strengths stronger, and about recognising where there’s opportunity for improvement and setting about making those improvements. Coaching should be seen as an investment not a quick fix! Good things take time and do not happen over night.

In an ideal world, everyone in a position of leadership would have the coaching they need, but it is entirely possible for a company to invest in coaching for top leadership and use the lessons learned as a way to bring coaching culture to all levels of the company. Having the pleasure of working closely with a companies CEO it is wonderful to see the knock on effect across the direct leadership teams seeing grater clarity of purpose and greater purpose.

In my career, I have personally coached more than 350 senior executives, leaders and high potential individuals. The reason I’m so passionate about coaching in business is that I’ve personally seen what it can accomplish.

I would like to personally invite you to see what so many others are seeing.

Look after yourself, Nick

Nick Roud – Executive Coach

Roud Career Coaching



For a confidential conversation about your leadership coaching needs, call Nick on +6421375630 or email him

Nick Roud

Nick Roud

Executive Leadership Coach

Nick is the Chairman of Nick Roud Coaching and a Global Award Winning Executive Coach. Nick holds the highest coaching qualification MCEC. His clients are typically Chief Executive Officers, Executives and Emerging Leaders. Nick’s office is based in Auckland, New Zealand and he travels extensively around the world to coach his clients. You can contact Nick directly on +6421375630