“This book is dedicated to the bold. The unconventional. To those who smile, even if imperceptibly, when they are told it can’t be done, because they know they will’ ”
Stan Peake
Episode 19 on The Nick Roud Podcast
How many books are there in the world? I’d say to many for a single person to read in a life time! Books, books, books so how do you decide which ones to include in your library.
Sometimes, a simple passing comment from a friend, such as ‘oh have you seen the book by………I really enjoyed it, you might enjoy it to! Today on The Nick Roud Podcast I am thrilled to be in such a position and it is a huge privilege to share with you all today a man who continues to inspire so many people, leaders and businesses.
I am thrilled to welcome Stan Peake onto The Nick Roud Podcast to discuss his latest book ’Success Is A System’ which is available today on Amazon.
Stan has created a masterful book Success Is A System and it will help so many people. This is an insanely informative conversation that will support those who are looking at helpful ways to be better. In todays podcast we talk about fitness, about health, about purpose, about returning back to business after breaking his back, and much – much – much more.
A little bit about Stan.
A dynamic speaker, passionate and wise coach and a gifted talented writer. Stan is a sort after coach for leaders and businesses who want to get ‘unstuck and make their vision a reality’. Married to Maria and along with their beautiful son Chase and dog Zeke live and work in Canada. He is a proud author of a few other books including the best seller ‘How to Sell in Any Economy’ ‘Breakthroughs in Success’ How a Broken Back Healed a Broken Mind’.
Stan speaks regularly from startups incubators and national franchise shows to crowds in the hundreds. Stan has coached businesses of all sizes and industries, from Vancouver, BC to Montreal, QC and from California to Connecticut. He helps pre-revenue startups get off the ground, to working with executives in global companies north of $10 billion in revenue.
In his latest book, Stan has captured so many valuable tools and brings his experience to this 80 odd page-turner that will really help you build your own success. Its’ a book that can be picked up / put down, used at so many different times of your life, I liken it to a coffee table book. Above all a book that will benefit anyone who looks in the mirror and asks themselves ‘is their more I can do’.
In his book he covers topics such as
Health to name a few.
I hope you enjoy today’s podcast and it inspires you to push forwards.
You can connect with Stan at Insite Performance Coaching and his latest book can be purchased here
So, if like me you enjoy success, this exchange is certain to get you re-focused. My hope is you pick this book up and start to put plans into actions.
Look after yourself and each other,
Nick (MCEC)
Master Certified Executive Coach
Roud Career Coaching