Getting away from your office is a good starting point when it comes to coaching
“Everyone needs a coach”
Coaching isn’t a quick fix to solving a problem. It’s not therapy and it’s not about being told what you must do!
Executive Coaching is assisting elite executives, managers, high potential future leaders to perform at a higher level, learn, and effectively guide their people and teams that will exceed both their own and their organisations expectations. Working with a leader one-on-one in confidence to reach their full potential and not to waste the gift/opportunity that they have been given. Very few people get to a position of leader yet none of us are born a leader. Like riding a bike we learn, fall over and get back up and try again.
When pushing the limits you are bound to fall over – it’s how you pick yourself up that will enable growth!
Leadership is a lonely place – ever single executive who I have had the pleasure and privilege of coaching here in New Zealand and other parts of the world have said to me that they have a strong (or weak) group of people around them but for them to remain relevant and ahead of the game it is vital that they put time into their weeks and sit with me to think, work on themselves and ensure they are a better human and leader then when we started our session..
I think it’s vitally important to say at the very start of today’s leadership blog that one size does not fit all.
Recently I wanted to study my clients, those leaders who had worked with me over a period of 6-12 months. Fundamentally they each had similar fears, concerns, expectations and ultimately an insane high level of self-drive for excellence. Some themes/observations
The seasoned executive with more than 20+ years in leading people didn’t need to be seen as ‘superman or superwoman’.
The newly appointed leader may be struggling to get his/her head around the very fact that everyone is looking at them for an answer.
Younger leaders may still see things as black/white yes/no and are learning that their is always more sides of a coin
Newer leaders may believe that what got them to today will see them through
Leaders of large multi-nationals had lost touch with their customers and where really only looking internally, managing up and managing down
It’s no surprise to read from a recent global research paper that (#1) 44% of millennial are now in leadership positions but most believe they receive little or no development.
Interestingly my study showed that many if not all of my clients had lost touch of why they do what they do!
The estimated global total revenue from coaching in 2019 was $2.849 billion U.S. dollars (#2), so who uses Executive Coaching? Clearly many organisations use executive coaching, with most if not all of the biggest companies now using coaches. So as a general rule of thumb who is it for?
Executives who want to
improve self confidence
become a more effective leader
get balance in their work and life
to continue to evolve
The title of todays leadership blog is Benefits of Executive Coaching so what might they be?
Increased self-awarness
Increased self-regulation
Greater empathy
Varied thinking
Higher level of self motivation
More effective as a leader (ROI Results #3) from interviews at the end of your coaching engagement.
Many clients ask me what is coaching and I liken it to you allowing me to hold the mirror up so you can really see what is looking straight back at you!
Don’t hide from what is sitting right in-front of you – if you want to be the very best you need to embrace what is showing up, good & bad!
I know that everyone has a varied view point of coaching but when you bring to life 1) Increased self-awareness and 3. Greater Empathy we are going to be moving in the right direction, what do you think?
Ultimately coaching needs to reflect the originals executive leaders goals. Why and What do they want to get from coaching but as I continue to see in my coaching business it transforms many other areas of a leaders world (for the better).
I have written in past leadership blogs that you have to want to receive coaching and it’s extremely challenging for an individual to embrace, grow and develop if coaching is forced onto them so what are some of the benefits I see from those organisations who invest in leadership coaching for their people?
Higher productivity
Better/healthy/more clarity across teams
Higher levels of engagement from it’s people
And likewise some of the key benefits from individuals receiving coaching from their organisations
Personal growth and development
As a coach what is my approch to Executive Coaching?
It has to start with a high level of trust and the concensis that you have all the answers deep inside that is why you are an outstanding leader. When you look at elite sports people it’s sometime just a slight tweak that will make all the difference to their results and performance I call it the 1% rule. What is the 1%er that will make the difference in you? Only over time can we really see life changing results 6-12 months is optimum anything less and we are just scratching the surface. For more information on my Executive Leadership Coaching Program click here.
As we work together and to get the very best ROI it’s important that we involve your work relationships – your Manager, your peers and your reports. This is so we can really understand how they see you, how you show up in their eyes and areas you must keep doing and go forward suggestions. As we progress through our leadership program the insights and learning you receive will elevate you forwards and have a lasting impact on your career.
There are some simple things to consider when you are looking to hire a certified coach and I have taken the opportunity to answer a few of these questions in the link below
Thank you for taking the time to read our leadership career blog today I hope you have found it of real value and use. Feel free to share this onto others who may also benefit and if I can be of any support do get in touch and lets talk about it.
Look after yourself and each other, thank you!
Nick Roud | Company Director | Executive Coach | Career Coach & Recruitment
Roud Career Coaching
‘Unleash Your Most Authentic-Self in 2021’
Awarded ‘Best Executive Coaching Consultancy New Zealand in 2020’
sources came from #1 Deloitte 2017 Human Capital Trends Report #2 2020 ICF Global Study (The International Coach Federation) #3 ROI – Return on Investment – analysis on the improvements from coaching with me
About your Executive Coach Nick Roud
Nick is the co founder and owner of Roud Career Coaching an award winning executive coaching consultancy located in Auckland New Zealand. He is a Master Certified Executive Coach (MCEC) and was personally coached and trained by the #1 Executive Coach in the world John Mattone. Nick has been hired by elite executives, leaders and high potential future leaders around the world.
Nick coaches on the EMBA (Executive MBA) program at one of New Zealand’s most prestigious Business Schools. For a full run down of Nick’s story you can read it here