written by Award Winning Leadership Coach, Nick Roud
As a newly appointed Manager it’s not uncommon for that person to be quickly overran with the sheer volume, noise and pressure that is suddenly thrusted their way. Too often that manager starts to question themself as to why did they take on that role, it wasn’t what he/she thought they would be doing.
Yesterday you were the high achiever, delivering, siloed in your role, today you are managing others! Your focus without realising has quickly moved from you to others, how you mange this change and create behaviours which serve you will test your ability to be a great manager.
In a recent global leadership survey conducted by a large professional service firm, they found 68% of people surveyed were not getting or had very limited access to managment development programs that focused on leading people. What the report went onto to confirm was that they were literally left high and dry to fend for themselves. It’s no surprise then that people soon become burnt out, frustrated, exhausted and ultimately leave the organisation. So where should a manager start to hone into!
Below are 5 critical questions that a manager needs to get on top of quickly.
- What Is Expected Of Me?
- What Do I Expect Of My Team?
- Where Do I Expect Of Myself?
- What Can I Control?
- Am I Communicating Effectively?
- Ask yourself those 5 questions every day, every week, every month.
- In our 1:1 Emerging Leaders program we look at specific areas that will ensure you transition into your new management position with confidence, clarity and actionable approaches that will enable you to manage teams and yourself effectively.
- Conversations we discuss in our regular 1:1s include managing ones work load, making decisions, communicating to your team and to your leader, juggling and prioritising work load, making time for yourself to think and plan.

The results gained from emerging leaders program continue to show the enormous value and positive effect that 1:1 coaching is doing. Those organisation who are actively investing in their people continue to retain top talent, they find their managers are better positioned and equiped and happier in their positions.
Consider the role of the manager as the ‘conductor’ rather than the one playing the musical instrument. A managers role is to set the objectives of the team, to motivate and communicate effectively in both one and ones and group settings and finally to measure performance.
To find out more about 1:1 emerging leaders program click here
Management at the very core of it is serving others and helping others be the very best that they can be, a true manager lives and breathes this ever single day.
Blog ends: 21st July 2023
About the author:
Nick Roud is a coach, he partners CEOs, executives and emerging leaders, Nick’s leadership coaching work is globally accredited, mule-award winning and evidence based. He lives with his wife Nicola and two children, Louie 7 and Willow 8 in Auckland New Zealand. He serves organisations around the world. Find out more about his credentials, awards and coaching work here