3 Traps For Emerging Leaders To Avoid!
Having days and weeks full of meetings possibly isn’t the very best use of the emerging leaders time!
Meetings. Proactive or Reactive?
Today is not about outcome rather giving yourself time and permission to review your meetings effectiveness. Allow yourself time to reflect and as you read keep asking yourself ‘am I being effective with my use of time’. Being effective is not about avoidance.
Is There A Reason Why People Lead?
Some 80% of your life is spent working. You want to have fun at home; why shouldn’t you have fun at work?” Richard Branson
Your Peer Relationships, Are You Enabling Or Destroying It?
When we look at a highly effective team we notice, calm, common purpose; each with the ability to bring their thoughts, observations and suggestions, trust, love, a deep desire for all to be doing well, no hidden agendas and total focus on the future direction.
Leading People
Leadership isn’t a sprint race, sure there are expectations on you but its not a race. As you start to notice what is actually going on around you only then will you be able to make formed decisions.
Why We Should Hire More Grey Hairs?
Whilst organisations all around the world are grappling with and fighting for talent my guiding principle is, don’t underestimate the huge benefits to your organisation and people that grey hairs bring!
Success, Is Their A Definitive Conclusion To It?
To be so called successful in leadership I believe it comes back to being very much ok in who you are. The rest takes care of itself.
Invest In Emerging Leaders?
No one is ever ready to step into a bigger role, we all have phases of excitement, fears apprehension, self doubt
Leadership: The Leaders Who Let Go.
Letting go isn’t a sign of weakness. If you look at it from a differently angle letting go will allow you the most important need any leader strives for and that is Time.
The Definitive Guide. Leadership 2024
CEOs in 2024 will open doors for others to walk through, they will remove dead waste and above all ensure there people are working effectively, passion about what they are doing and how their work will impact the organisation today and into the future.
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Where CEOs, senior executives and emerging leaders develop themselves as leaders. Lift your leadership with Global Award Winning Coach Nick Roud.