written by Nick Roud, Leadership | Career Coach | Founder of Nick Roud Coaching What do you notice about the picture? Don’t go through your career not opening doors. They are there to be open Todays blog is for those who want to open doors! To see what is behind the...
Article written by Nick Roud, Executive Leadership Coach. Leadership is not for everyone, just because you are great at your job doesn’t necessarily mean you will make a good or great leader. It’s similar to the rugby analogy, just because you are a great player...
Article written by Nick Roud, Multi-Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach Your Peer Relationships Are You Enabling Or Destroying It? One aspect of leadership is that of your relationship with your peers. We often believe that in order to lead we must focus on the...
Article written by Nick Roud, Leadership Coach and Founder of Nick Roud Coaching. Success What Does That Mean? Yesterday I was interviewed by a Master of Business and Administration (MBA) student on a topic he is writing a paper on. That time with him kept me awake...
Leaders Who Let Go. Written by Multi Award Winning Leadership Coach, Nick Roud. It may come as no surprise to you that one who leads may find that they must do everything. The leader who is just starting out may want to jump into every aspect that comes their...
Written by Nick Roud, Leadership Educator & Career Coach. 4th November (Saturday) 2023 Enough Of Scaling. When a close friend reached out to me recently to see how I was the conversation turned away from family, home, health to work. Nick are you growing she...