by Nick Roud | Apr 5, 2023 | Career Coaching, NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
Look after your people who are affected by change! OUTPLACEMENT | CAREER TRANSITION DONE WELL | Nick’s Daily Blog | 5th April 2023. Who hasn’t or who doesn’t know someone who has been made redundant? It seems like every time we turn on the news or...
by Nick Roud | Mar 8, 2023 | Career Coaching, Roud Career Coaching (Company News), Tips
Nick Roud has been helping professions in their careers since 2006. Like hiring a Dentist, Accountant, Lawyer, Mechanic the final decision sits with you. From my side of the table it comes down to fit with each other, abilities, and performance results. I would never...
by Nick Roud | Feb 21, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog, Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
To my daughter Willow. You may read this when you are older……….. We typically shy away from celebrating and whilst this is a work on for me, today is a very special day here in our household, for today my daughter Willow turns 5! Not only does she...
by Nick Roud | Sep 27, 2022 | Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
Coaching one-on-one We coach successful leaders who want to improve. Take a tour
by nickroudcoachi | Jun 19, 2022 | Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to follow my gut. After successfully coaching hundreds of CEOs, senior executives and future leaders and spending so much time within organisations getting to know their people and world, my instincts were telling me I had...
by nickroudcoachi | Aug 31, 2021 | Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
We wanted to pause today and take some time just to be extremely grateful and to celebrate together. Today is a very special day, we turn 5 and I am so proud.In the lead up to today, we have been putting a great deal of intent and plans together for the next 5...