What Ingredients Go Into Leadership?

written by Nick Roud, Founder of Nick Roud Coaching.

So what makes up a leader Nick? 

I suppose the answer to that could bring about a variety of conflicting view points. Just like who is your favourite child or pet. There is no right or wrong answer.  It depends on the person, the situation, the environment, the timing etc as to what makes up a leader. As an executive leadership coach who partners leaders around the world what is evidence is the huge variety of personalities, expertises, passions and ways that a leader is made. No two leaders are the same, nor think or act the same. To me that is the essence and the magic of leadership. Sometimes all that is actually needed is a dash of something to enable the individual leader. 

Leadership shouldn’t be seen as a complex, scary, hard, challenging profession. Don’t believe the hype that leadership is easy or hard, its what you make of it that matters. When the right ingredients have been well thought out, and, enough care and attention has been given you are on your way. Sure a squeeze of lemon is going to be needed every now and then to keep things progressing and as I coach elite leaders and emerging leaders that is what they actually do, they gently modify their leadership approach in a given situation. I call this the 1% leadership effect. If you watch a great tennis player or golfer they actually make thier craft look easy, fun but, behind the scenes I can assure you that they are working diligently, every single day on the little 1%ers that no one else sees to ensure they keep ahead of thier competition. The 1%ers are more impactful than wholesale change.

What are your little 1%ers which could make all the difference to your leadership? 

As you progress from management to leadership and start to really play in that space your technical skills should be your go to classic dish, (mine for the record is paella). I remember growing up and spending summer months in Menorca, surrounded by the ocean and fresh seafood. Each week without fail we would all sit down to the world famous Roud Paella and within mins the dish would be cleared of food. You never lose sight of your classic dish – and as you advance into leadership you move slightly away from chucking all the ingredients into the pan and start to look up and out towards the future. 

Leadership is brining the ingredients aka your people together as one and together moving forwards, adding different herbs and spices depending on the season and depending on what is best for the organisation as a whole. I have noticed that how one person leads shouldn’t and mustn’t be seen as the only way to lead. Create your own approach. As you travel across Spain and visit different regions they each have their own unique approach to creating paella. All beautiful, tasty and (as I write today’s blog my mouth is actually watering) yet extremely personal and special, that is the special ingredient, passion and approach I’d want to see more of in our leaders. Personal and special, unique to you. One ingredient which must be highlighted is Character. It’s the single most important ingredient that a leader possesses. As the world continues to move it’s a leaders character which is going to be put to the test each and every single day. How you show up in crisis, in celebration, in any given situation mattes. You will rely more and more on your character the longer you are a leader. 

When a leader says to me they want to be coach I can tell what they are really saying is they want to be better and with that intent we both get to work. 

We hear a great deal about leadership and the effect they have on people. Positive and negative view points each with a story to be shared. Leadership positions are not for the faint hearted – its not all glitz and glamour, decisions sometimes unpopular decisions need to be made. We have in 2024 witnessed wholesale change across and within organisations. Change is needed because the environment is or will be changing. With that leaders continue to show up and make formed decisions. In 2025 we will see organisations continue to ensure they remain relevant and ahead of their completion. Change is and will remain we must accept that the role of a leader isn’t set in concrete things will need to be added, taken out and in no way will anything be just perfect. Leaders will see plenty of opportunities arise, some may not even be a thought yet but that is the benefit of being a leader you can make a difference.

My closing question to you is What difference are you going to make ?

As a leader reflects back on his/her career what will really matter to them! How do they want to be remembered. What will the inner voice say to them. Just because an ingredient works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another. There are so many self help books on leadership, surrender the need to lead in a style or way that doesn’t really underpin who you are and the values you hold dearly to. Leadership starts and ends with you. Step forward, have fun, and once finished be proud.

To gain up awareness of your leadership strengths and blind spots you might like to check out our leadership assessment.