Things You May Want To Avoid When Transitioning To A Leadership Role! Summary: What you do before you step into a leadership role is critical to your ongoing success. A well thought out plan can support your transition. In Michael D.Watkins book The First 90 Days he...
How Coaching Can Help You Identify Your Leadership Blindspots, by Nick Roud. For as long as humans have been on this earth there has been a huge appetite for knowledge. Personal and professional. Growth doesn’t come easily to many, and, with so called...
written by Nick Roud, Leadership | Career Coach | Founder of Nick Roud Coaching What do you notice about the picture? Don’t go through your career not opening doors. They are there to be open Todays blog is for those who want to open doors! To see what is behind the...
Article written by Nick Roud, Executive Leadership Coach. Leadership is not for everyone, just because you are great at your job doesn’t necessarily mean you will make a good or great leader. It’s similar to the rugby analogy, just because you are a great player...
Leadership Blog, for Emerging Leaders and or Newly Appointed Managers. By Nick Roud Leading People. 10th February 2024. Nick Roud Coaching There may come a time in your career when you are asked or consider taking on a people management position. Whilst it might feel...
The Work of Nick Roud, Leadership Coach Why It’s Important To Invest In Emerging Leaders? Why did we let that one go? Is often heard around the executive table. Sometimes its not about the money its about professional development and more often than not the...