Nick Roud has been helping professions in their careers since 2006. Like hiring a Dentist, Accountant, Lawyer, Mechanic the final decision sits with you. From my side of the table it comes down to fit with each other, abilities, and performance results. I would never...
SO WHAT WILL YOU STOP DOING TODAY! For many years Ive seen leaders struggle to come to terms with a forever growing list of things that in their mind must be done. It’s globally called a ‘To Do List’. I am confident that if you were to jump on your search...
I need a break from social media. Ah breathe (I said it :))For the last few months I have come to realise what works for me and what doesn’t. Many years ago, I shut everything down and to be completely honest it was the very best thing for me. I have a...
Its not for everyone, coaching, but for those who step forwards and chose to work with a coach the long term benefits and results may well surprise you! Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt two of the most established, forward thinking and respected CEOs both agree (everyone...
Professional CVsby Roud Careers CoachingThe modern CV, what value do you place on them? If you speak to 20 professionals I guarentee you will get 20 different opinions on your CV. So how do you ensure your CV is truly reflecting ‘You’ and what are some of the areas I...
Coaching is my purpose and its what I will be doing for the next 26 years and this is a great example of “why” I get out of bed every single day and work with exceptional individuals. Everyday my wonderful clients surprise me (in a great way) and it’s a privilege to...