Nick Roud is an award winning leadership coach who lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He is engaged by Chief Executive Officers, Senior executives and emerging leaders.

I must admit it’s refreshing to take the handbrake off and just write. No doubt you are having time out with your loved ones and enjoying the time to be away from work. To those professionals who are working to keep us all healthy and safe, thank you it doesn’t go unnoticed the effort you continue to put into your profession. To those who have recently been effected by change, I hope you are getting some time to rest, recoup and rebuild your intent for the year ahead. I know how many people are really hurting right now and are uncertain of what may be coming. Trust me when I say please surround yourself with those who want only the very best with you be that a mate, a partner, a coach, a mentor, a buddy. 

F*ck it’s 2025, COME ON LET’S GO

I have been reflecting over the past few weeks as I closed the global office aka my 20ft shipping container on the year that is ahead of me. To be completely honest 2024 was truly an outstanding year here at Nick Roud Coaching built on the last 8 years of bloody hard work, focused and passion to ensure every interaction is what my clients need. Believing in myself to follow my own path and not to worry about the things I shouldn’t or can’t control!  Since 2016 I have written blogs, articles, etc from the heart and to ensure what I write what is actually going on and not to jump on the bandwagon of others. 

Before I share more about the year that went I want to acknowledge the huge shift we are experiencing here in New Zealand and Australia. In coaching my clients in the US, France, the UK and a few other places I also appreciate just how much change continues for those CEOs and senior executives who I have the pleasure of coaching. They all share with me that they never signed up to make positions  redundant, each and every one of them continue to be faced with pressure from governments, investors, banks, shareholders to ensure returns are bigger and better than the previous year. They share how hard but needed change is afoot and why it has taken a great deal of inner reflection by them to make sure they look after those individuals as they exit their organisations. Some amazing stories already shared on how many have already found new employment and great leaders keep their doors open to help give references etc as and when needed. All I can say to those leaders who have had to make necessary changes thank you for ensuring people have been looked after. I have also heard from people who haven’t been treated at all well, simply a short email from some HR person saying ‘your last day will be …….’ Again here are some wonderful examples of how not to ‘lead’ during change. I can’t speak firmly on what occurs in many countries but I know how small a village New Zealand is and those who have shown no integrity well what goes around comes around!

Ok my friends if you are still with me and not got pissed off with my bluntness this is the very beginning and I can’t wait to get underway again. Not only is it a good time to be alive its a great time to be sitting alongside many wonderful leaders who have some pretty epic plans for the future. It’s a real honour to be in-trusted by them and to help them realise their vision. One of the most amazing guys I am coaching is a man in the US who is looking to put a hotel on the moon. Talk about future thinking and as he keeps reminding me, Nick this will not be achieved in my life time nor my kids life time but the work we are doing know will lay a golden future for others! It reminds me of the person who stands on land to plant trees that he/she will never get the opportunity to sit under but know its the right thing to do today. Leadership is about being self(less). I have personally meet some real pieces of shit who call themself leaders, behind closed doors they are absolute low life’s but in front of customers they come across like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths. Still can’t work out how they sleep at night but I suspect very well as they wouldn’t have a clue about ‘feelings’. 

Things that keep putting the wind in my sails are those leaders who continue to quietly go about their business calmly and effectively- they don’t seek the spotlight nor the fame they just get on with things no matter the season. 

I am super proud of the newly appointed leaders who I have worked closely with as they carefully and purposefully transition into people leadership roles. I am going to say it today 31st December 2024 we are in safe hands with some outstanding leaders who are starting to add their own flavour to what it means to lead people. I cannot wait to see how they go over the next 5-10 years. As I say to many of them – keep looking in the mirror, appreciate what is staring back at you and continue to push the boundaries and breaking rules. 

Having fun is an essential part of leadership and the year ahead is going to take me to many new places in the world, I am looking forward to partnering a couple of CEOs who are in countries which I have yet to visit – to learn about thier culture, values and belief systems is going to be fun. I know like in all my 1:1 coaching engagements I learn so much. 

Yesterday has happened, it can’t be changed, today is where your feet are and tomorrow is what ever your dreams want to be. 

The future isnt hear yet, nor has it been made, you know what………..everything is in your hands. Never lose sight of what you can and should be, ’just because’ is not an answer. 

I remain committed to my daily writing of 2,500 words, many stay in my journal book, many get shared with clients, many get shared here on my website. I will be pulling back from the only other platform I share blogs, articles on and just leave them here at 

So as I close out today’s blog thank you – if we get the opportunity to work together I can’t wait, if we don’t then I wish you only success. 

To all those wickedly good leaders keep making magic and to all those arsehole leaders remember there is another way to lead 🙂 

Go get em’………..

Nick x