by nickroudcoachi | Aug 18, 2022 | Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development
Keep(ing) Focus By Nick RoudHow many times during a day do you lose focus? One, two, ten, twenty times be honest with yourself and be honest as you read todays leadership blog. What is that number and is it enabling you to do your job better? Who are you...
by nickroudcoachi | Feb 7, 2022 | Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching
2022 will be the year of the leader, but that is easier said than done. What does leadership really mean today, how is it evolving into something never seen before. If we leap back a couple of generations the role of a leader was very much different to the leader of...
by nickroudcoachi | Jan 17, 2022 | Blog, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Talent Retention
by Nick Roud Executive Coach We’ve all seen it or heard about really ‘tough’ leaders. The tough leaders that nobody dares say bo to in fear of losing not only your dignity but your job. You know the ones I am talking about. The me me me me type...
by nickroudcoachi | Nov 1, 2021 | Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Leadership Development, Leadership Maturity
by Nick Roud | Executive CoachIn 2016 I established Roud Career Coaching. It was the right time for me and in doing so I was laser focused on creating a lasting business, a business that would serve and a business that would ensure I was living my purpose. We have...
by nickroudcoachi | Aug 25, 2021 | Blog
How often do we hear of bad behaviour and in particular bad behaviour from leaders? Over the last few months I have been completely blown away on how bad leadership behaviour is very much operating in our organisations. We clearly need to address this and...
by nickroudcoachi | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
Its was pleasure to open up my inbox this morning – not only is it our wedding anniversary (boy where does the time go) but also to receive over a dozen requests from potential people who want to discuss coaching with me for 2021. There is a big push around...