Leadership & Career Blog, by Multi Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach

Where Leaders Come To Grow.

by Nick Roud

It is with great delight that we are able to share 2 new coaching programs that will be launched on Monday 20th January 2020 (NZ Time). 

Aimed specifically at ’High-Potential Leaders’ and ‘Managers/Newly Appointed Managers’.

Having personally coached some of the smartest, driven – successful CEO’s and Senior Executives, the question that often is asked from them towards the end of our coaching engagement is; ‘Nick, I have learnt so much about me and my leadership. How can we take what you and I have been doing and offer it to my people?’

Powerful and humbling words from these senior leaders, don’t you think?

Intelligent Leadership Coaching for High-Potentials

This has come about on the back of the C-Level and Executive Coaching Programs with requests for a coaching offering that would help high potentials become more self-aware of their leadership strengths and development needs as a foundation to accelerating their own development. 

Similar to the CEO and Executive Coaching Program, this coaching offering is accelerated, cost-sensitive, but highly effective, especially when the client has multiple high potential leaders joining the coaching program.

We are able to do this either in person or via online coaching sessions using zoom or Skype

Your 3-6 month coaching journey will include:

  • 10 to 20 hours of working directly with me over 

  • Understand who you are as a high performing individual using the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI) and CPI-260 Assessments.

  • A 4 hour Assessment Debrief with me to discover your inner core gifts and gaps and to put a program of growing and developing these.

  • Engaging with specific stakeholders to gather their input about your strengths and development needs using the STLI-360 Assessment (Strategic-Tactical Leadership Inventory)

  • Exploring and creating your Core Purpose.

  • Building your own professional and personal Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP) with my support and implementing this.

Investment Options: 3 and 6 Months

Intelligent Leadership Coaching for Managers/Newly Appointed Managers

Similar to the High-Potential Coaching Program, this coaching offering is accelerated, cost-sensitive, but highly effective to help Managers grow into a greater leader. 

Your 3 month coaching journey will include:

  • 5-10 hours working directly with me. 

  • Getting to understand who you are (currently) as a Manager using Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI) and CPI-260 Assessments.

  • A 2 hour Assessment Debrief with me to discover your inner core gifts and gaps.

  • Engaging with a few specific stakeholders to gather their input about your strengths and development needs.

  • Exploring your Core Purpose.

  • Building your professional and personal Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP) with my support and implementing this.

Investment Option for 3 Months.

If you would like to find out more about our highly focused CEO, C-Level, Executive, High Potential Leadership or Newly Appointed Manager Coaching Programs then do get in touch nick@roudcareers.co.nz

Look after yourself and each other,


Nick Roud – MCEC | MBTI Certified

Master Certified Executive Coach

Roud Career Coaching 

Discuss Working With Nick

Nick is a multi award winning leadership coach. His clients are Chief Executive Officers, Senior Executives and Emerging Leaders. 1:1 Confidential engagements.

Let’s talk.