Anxiety & Depression You Don’t Need To Do It Alone!

What a true true pleasure it is to spend some time with this wonderful human. A mum, a business owner and a lady who is just doing an exceptional job. I am thrilled to be able to bring you this conversation today. I met Mel a few months back and from the very start I knew I had to get her onto my podcast. Our conversation today is one of those very hard conversations to have, I myself still find it really hard to trust and open up to people – like many things in life it takes time.

Meet Melanie Medland, Owner of Moving Through a business that is making a dent in the world. She wants to positively help parents of teenagers effected by Anxiety & Depression and from where I sit I think Mel is going to really rock this world….

In 2018 she saw first hand one of her daughters suffer with anxiety, depression and trying to take her own life. Mel talks freely with me about her learnings, her worries, the feeling of being lost and thankfully getting to the other side, along with the endless questions any parent who is living through this might face.

Mel has not just gone to some very dark places with her daughter she has found her ‘calling’ and taken all her learning established a business here in New Zealand called Moving Through (supporting parents of teens with anxiety & depression)

Nobody would wish anxiety or depression on anyone but if you are in the place of having teenage kids who are suffering from this then I would encourage you to reach out to Mel, spend some time with her and as we say in our conversation today

‘you are not alone’.


Melanie Medland

Wellness Coach & Owner of Moving Through

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to be with Mel and I as we have one of those rare conversations that really does send shivers down your spine.

With the support and love her daughter has got to the other side and 2021 she will be doing something really amazing!!! I can’t wait to see where Moving Through goes over the next few years but my gut tells me this is something special.

I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Look after yourself and each other,

Nick x

Roud Career Coaching

Awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy – New Zealand at the 2020 Asia Pacific Business Awards

(recorded in December 2020)

Feel free to connect with Mel

Feel free to connect with Nick Roud