
thank you x

Its funny 1st Jan 2020 seems like yesterday yet this to me has been one of the most challenging and scariest years of my life let alone my business life. I feel so proud to be looking forwards stronger than at the start of the year, more positive and more aware of backing my gut instincts.

As I sit here on Sunday evening to prepare my weekly blog (something I have loved doing since starting Roud Career Coaching in 2016) the kids have gone to bed and its just me with my thoughts I am so blessed and delighted to be sharing our final blog with you for 2020.

There are so many things I am grateful for, my families health is number right at the very top of the list.

We are very fortunate to be living here in New Zealand and over the weekend I read that my extended family and friends in my homeland the UK will be unfortunately heading into lockdown for the Christmas period, having elderly parents my thoughts turn immediately to them and how they may be feeling right now. I know they are both very strong and will take it all in their stride but being on the other side of the world and being (free) if we can use that world to go about our everyday life (apart from international travel I have to think how lucky we are that we can jump on our bike, into our car and head of for the day.

I’d like to keep my final leadership & career blog short not my usual 2500+ words………here it is


If you have been a client of mine, a reader of our leadership & career blogs, a listener to our podcasts, a guest who has given your time to be on the podcast or just someone who has come into contact with me I hope you have got so much from our connection.


To my wonderful Board Of Directors (you know who you are)…………your wisdom, sounding board and challenging thoughts have continued to keep me from all the distractions that could have moved me off course, I respect you and so glad to have you on my team!!


To those behind the scenes – our external accountants, the team in the USA for our leadership assessments and our lawyers thank you


So it leaves me to say – well done for reaching the end of the year – now lets move forwards together……………..

  • what are your plans for 2021?

  • how are you going to measure your success?

  • what are you going to leave behind

    • start doing

    • stop doing

  • who is going to hold you to account?

  • what some or great things do you want to celebrate in 2021

I want to personally wish you and your families where ever they are in the world an extremely safe and enjoyable break.

Shall we do this again in the New Year – THATS A BIG YES from me

If you want a confidential chat about either your own leadership approch or your career direction then lets have a chat – contact me here

Look after yourself and each other,

Nick x

I would like to let you know that I am now going to be on a technology detox from 23rd Dec – 6th Jan 2021. This will be good for my soul and my brain I want to be ready and fresh for 2021 and by turning technology off will allow me to do this.

Roud Career Coaching

Awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy New Zealand at the 2020 Asia Pacific Business Awards

Read More About Nick Roud here