Todays blog was going to be like all my weekly blogs, around 2500+ words….. I guess you can please stop reading now because I think a wiser man than me has summed up today’s blog……. Mr. Albert Einstein thank you for such wisdom
‘Once You Stop Learning You Start Dying’ (I would have loved to share a coffee with you, one day we will meet!
Welcome into today’s leadership and career blog. Its an absolute privilege to be writing this on Easter Sunday, the kids have had a wonderful treasure hunt and Nicola & I have managed to change a section of our garden that we have been trying to do for years…..
As we head into Week 3 here in New Zealand (lockdown). I would like to take this opportunity to send a huge dept of gratification to each and every person who is playing their small part in getting us all back to our ‘future-normal’. To all those tremendous people working in our supermarkets, hospitals, medical centres, front line services, police, fire, St.Johns and so many more to mention here, you all are so very special and all I can say is
Today’s blog which I am extremely proud to be writing came on the back of a recent article that was sent to me by a dear friend. The article outlined how a very prominent CEO was stopping all training & coaching (along with a number of other non-essential areas) within the organisation that he leads.
The simply message from my friend, ‘Nick you should read this article, WHY would he do this! And just for the record my friend is not a fellow ‘coach’ but she should be as she would be a fantastic coach…………..!!!!
Whilst I am 100% aware we are all in extremely challenging times (we will all get through this if we carrying on listening to our wonderful health professionals and governments and stick to there direction), leaders and business owners have one of the biggest calls they will probably make as the leader of an organisation……how are we going to treat and ensure our people are looked after.
In my humble view it’s our people that are therefore the most critical asset of any organisation no matter size or location. Without well trained, well resourced, well looked-after people our organisations won’t just stop it will come to a grinding ‘holt’.
Let’s face it, how we make people feel will outlast so many other things!
There is never a right time to start, or, to that point stop training. If we are investing in our people our people will continue to grow, they will shine and perform to their absolute full potential and ultimately our organisations will remain competitive and relative. Whilst leaders, chairs and boards have many hats to put on right now a calm constant message is what people are looking for.
Just look at how well Doctor Bloomfield has gone about his daily business. For those reading this from outside New Zealand Doctor Bloomfield along with our Prime Minister have each day stood in-front of our nation and presented clearly the ‘facts’ what they and their teams are doing, and, doing their very best to answer any question that the awaiting media have asked of them. As an executive coach I can only sit their, take notes and admire his leadership!
Its an important consideration for all of us who run organisations to think about the mid-long term future! As a person who has competed in a number of Ironman races my wonderful ‘coach’ aka Barbara Kramer made a massive impact on me not only about racing Ironman but also about the fundamental ingredient that allowed for success. Her message was this.
‘Nick, if you stop then getting started will be a real challenge’.
I honestly believed in my coach that that wholesome advice got me to cross the finish line. And, whilst it was extremely important to rest the body, rest the brain, get away from the ‘grind’ we also needed to be either moving, recovering, stretching or visualising things. But to stop, well that was not on the table, nor was it what I ever wanted to do. Remembering that a goal you set is a goal you must achieve!.
Have a look in your local communities, have a look at those professionals, sports people, musicians around the world – what have they done to adapt their plan and have they stopped investing in their talents?. It’s refreshing to see just how humans no matter what they have chosen to do continue to adapt.
So again, why if you lead an organisation would you stop ‘investing in your people’?
Let’s take training for sport and dump it face first into a business context. People in your teams, those in your peer groups and I absolute include you will testify that success stops when training stops. Let me explain that in a bit more detail.
As a young kid I had the opportunity to ride horses and it was so very liberating to be free – to partner with my horse and become one. As I grew older and other things took priority like relationships, work, rugby etc riding took very much a back seat. Now at the age of 45 could I ride a horse? How would my confidence be as I leapt onto my trusty steed? Could I recall the small essential things to stop me falling off? Sure the following day I know my body would feel like I’ve been in a few rounds with Mike Tyson and I can say hand on heart my senses would all be on fire. But suppose I kept up my ridding, continued to grow then any fear or uncertainty would be a great deal lower.
Wise people from all walks of life keep reminding us when they share their story on the successful career they have had – they would each say that – to be exceptionally Great, you must be ‘consistent’.
So again why would you ‘stop’ training and investing in your people?
Challenges and Problems All Organisations Face Today.
We have a huge global crisis on our hands right now, and, with so many scientist working relentlessly around the clock and around the world on finding a cure that will allow each and everyone of us a healthy place tomorrow than we have today. What we all knew a few months ago about Business has gone, its changed and to many the immediate future is one of uncertainty. Those that continue to thrive long term will want to ensure its people are at the very top of their game.
The strongest predictors to successfully navigating and achieving sustained operating success is strong leadership, possessing top talent and creating a culture that is therefore equiped to not only be around into the future but also to excel. 75% of business transformations flat-out fail, which means that these organizations eventually will not survive. The real culprit? A lack of leadership and with that a lack of investment in its people. My message from a humble coach view point and a person who has the opportunity to see the results……Don’t be to quick to turn off or turn down your number 1 asset……and that is…..investing in yourself and your people!
When I look again at sports people (again those who are regular readers of my blogs and podcasts) will know that I am 100% obsessed with how similar sport & business is. The real top teams, the real top individual are constantly investing into their skills, their gifts and their talents to ensure that they stay 1% ahead of the rest. True to say that what got you here today – will not get you to tomorrow, we each need to keep adding to our portfolio of skills.
Or what’s the alternative……I will leave you again with a very wise man. Mr Albert Einstein…..
“once you stop learning – you start dying”
Training from a business point of view and that of an individual point of view can take so many different shapes and sizes. Be it online learning, reading, blogs, podcasts, google, youtube (great for practical skills like how to build a playhouse for your kids 🙂 to various websites, courses, programs, mini-retreats, industry experts (gurus) mentoring, coaching, associations, in-house trainers, external trainers etc etc etc.
Cost don’t need to rack up, but understanding what you are looking to learn or train in can be extremely expensive or extremely cheap but like any service be it a Lawyer, Accountant, Mechanic, Dentist, Coach etc you get what you pay for!
I hope that our blog today has inspired you onto greater things and that you feel a little more equipped to excel in your chosen profession. As we close out today my message is simple,
Never stop growing.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read today’s blog and if you want to learn more about coaching and how this continues to get results for many check out our website you can find many free articles, free videos, free tools, along with globally recognised programs that get lasting results for you, your teams and your organisations.
Look after yourself and each other
Nick Roud
About Nick Roud
Nick is a Master Certified Executive Coach and owner of Roud Career Coaching. He is Top3 Executive Coach in the World on Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Program. Roud Career Coaching has partnered over 550 professionals since starting in 2016. Nick has been helping leaders and professionals since 2006.
Nick coaches CEOs, Senior Executives, Leaders and High Potential professionals who want to get results in their leadership & careers. Nick coaches on The Executive MBA program at one of New Zealand most prestigious University.
Nick’s global HQ is a 20ft shipping container in Auckland, New Zealand.
He is married to Nicola and they have 2 children, Louie (4) and Willow (2).