CVs are important and for many its so frustrating and hard to get traction.

So today I am going to walk through 7 things to consider,

You can either take a look at our video or check out out podcast, enjoy……….

  • short video or

  • podcast for you

My intent is it gets you focused, gets you thinking and above all it helps you

If you need external support/help with your CV, then give me a call on +6421375630 or

Look after yourself and look after each other



Nick Roud | Executive Coach

About Your Coach Nick Roud

Awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy New Zealand

#3 Executive Certified Executive Coach in the World on Intelligent Leadership (IL) Executive Coaching

A service provider on ‘leadership’ with the Regional Business Partner Network

A coach on the EMBA (Executive MBA) and MBA (Master of Business Administration at one of New Zealand’s most prestigious universities

Pro bono coaching with the ICF and