If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to follow my gut. After successfully coaching hundreds of CEOs, senior executives and future leaders and spending so much time within organisations getting to know their people and world, my instincts were telling me I had to give more. All those new wonderful people who have stepped into our global headquarters have shared how refreshed and intune they feel about the coaching work we do together, they feel reconnected and alive to be doing the work they do and above all getting the results they truly deserve. I leave my shipping container ever single day buzzing from the conversations I’ve had the pleasure of being part of, which is where The Effective Leadership Retreat comes in.
Unfortunately we are not able to squeeze 15 senior leaders | emerging leaders into my 20ft shipping container and I don’t think the neighbours would appreciate all the coming and going!!
So with my mate Shane McConigly who runs Createleap we searched high and low across New Zealand for a beautiful setting in which to hold our Effective Leadership Retreats in over the next couple of years and we feel we have found a little gem!
First and foremost, I hope the learnings that you will take and the cohort of professionals that you will surround yourself with on this retreat will excite you and become an every day part of your career. Shane and I have worked tirelessly on brining together the coaching content, tools and experiences in order for this retreat to be world class. My commitment to those attending is you will improve as a leader.
To me the proof of any learning should be first and foremost fun. It should bring about a healthy mix of work, rest and play. We have all suffered over the past few years of technology fatigue so welcome to The Effective LEadership Retreat, which will run from the evening 13th September 2022 to Friday 16th September at Mountain View Lodge, Warkworth, New Zealand.
Home to The Effective Leadership Retreats (2022/23)
Not only did I want this retreat to happen but I want to drag you out of your day to day work envioroment and into a fresh world of leadership learning! I am so passionate about helping leaders be better that Shane and I are already culling content to ensure we stick to our three key themes
1) How You Lead?
2) Leadership Success!
3) Creating Your Compelling Future.
Twenty years ago I went on a development programme. As someone who is dyslexic I enjoy learning through real life examples (not theory that may well have already gone out of date) that experience hurt me a great deal and having been around elite leaders for many years you get to appreciate what works and what doesn’t when it comes to delivering world class and award winning coaching programs.
So if I can leave you with one final point as you head into your day, if you are going to invest in a leadership development of which their are hundreds around, choose wisely, choose facilitators who walk the talk, who can bring things to life, who can push the boundries of thinking all while allowing you the safely to explore your own thoughts.
What I am trying to convey is, when you come away from something that is truly great it will last with you forever (not just a few weeks). The Effective Leadership Retreat will help senior leaders and emerging leaders move forwards.
Enjoy it and we can’t wait to meet you at the Lodge!
Coaching Leaders Differently
Love Nick
Nick Roud Coaching was Awarded Best Executive Coaching Consultancy at the 2022 Global Business Awards. Nick has personally coached over 900+ CEOs, senior executive and future leaders. He was personally trained by the #1 Executive Coach in the world.