Not a lightbulb moment but important! New Directions following redundancies, restructures or loss of job.written by Nick Roud, Executive Coach, Roud Career Coaching. March 2019Taken on “New Directions” – Its ok to Stop, Pause, to Breath! And then take...
Knowing where you want to go is a wonderful place to start. Nick Roud – Executive Coach. Roud Career Coaching Redundancy, promotion, change of direction, shoulder tapped, external move, new challenge – these are some of the reasons why an individual may...
A leader who understands themselves first will create a lasting business for the future. Nick Roud is an executive coach and the #1 Authority on Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching in New Zealand. Nick partners Senior Executives, CEOs, Directors, General...
It’s 2019 and it is fair to say that coaching in business is no longer the rare exception, but is increasingly expected for CEOs, top executives, and other critical leadership positions. Whether you are a large listed business, a government entity, a not 4 profit, or...
So you have decided that an external coach is going to be a good option for you. Firstly you have given yourself a huge advantage in this competitive world, welcome. They say in sports its your top 2 inches that make you a super star. I 100% agree with that statement...