by Nick Roud | Jun 30, 2023 | CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Blog, Leadership Development
written by Nick Roud. We acknowledge not everyone wants to improve and that is totally fine. But many and I mean many really do genuinely care about their professional development and ensure that each year they invest in their biggest assets – themselves! ...
by Nick Roud | May 24, 2023 | Leadership Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching
The Toxic Leader, written by Nick Roud, Award Winning Leadership Coach. While inspiring, serving and genuine leaders bring out the very best in their people , their organisations, they have an uncanny way of just lifting the mood around the place, unfortunately we see...
by Nick Roud | Oct 17, 2022 | CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Leadership Blog
By Nick Roud Why do you lead? is one of the very first questions I ask my coaching clients. Over the years the response to this question continues to make a huge positive impact on me. What really makes for leadership excellence or is it just two words on a piece of...
by Nick Roud | Oct 3, 2022 | Leadership Blog, Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Leadership Development
Written by Nick Roud, Coach Authentic leadership is the golden nugget when it comes to longterm leadership success. Too often I meet people here in my coaching practice who tell me that they are far away from being who they really are, far away from actually...
by nickroudcoachi | Jul 25, 2022 | CEO Coaching, Leadership Blog
“what makes you very unique is you” — Nick Roud No matter where in the world I work with a CEO, the mirror never lies. Many of my clients want to ensure they are being true to themselves and that they are leading from a place that sits well with them. A CE who is...