Anxiety & Depression You Don’t Need To Do It Alone! What a true true pleasure it is to spend some time with this wonderful human. A mum, a business owner and a lady who is just doing an exceptional job. I am thrilled to be able to bring you this conversation...
From My Family To Yours Give The Gift Of Coaching Gifts are a very personal thing, nobody wants or even needs (another pair of socks) so why not spice things up a bit and give the gift of coaching!There is no better gift than to see someone progress forwards and be...
Roud Career Coaching is an award winning executive leadership development and career coaching business. 2021 is fast approaching and for those of us who wish to ensure we are focused and getting the very most from our careers working with a professional certified...
“to sit in ones thoughts – can ultimately move you closer to your destination” — Nick Roud – Executive Coach As leaders we are all very different and we all do things in our own unique way. When it comes to personal development this rule...
Research matters but more importantly what we do with that research can ultimately change our futures!Roud Career Coaching will be releasing our 1st Global Insight Report on Elite Leadership due October 2021. We are looking for leaders who want to shape the future and...
It is a huge honour to share some very special news with you. Roud Career Coaching has been named ‘Best Executive Coaching Consultancy – New Zealand’ at the 5th Asia Pacific Business Awards hosted by APAC Insider 2020. It was humbling to receive this news from...