You can’t lead your people being someone else. It won’t work and soon you will be left standing alone.
The more I come to realise the more I am confident an authentic CEO will take his/her people a great deal further, they will unite a group of people and financial returns will be deliver.
So why are so many leaders around the world not being themselves? Is it because they are scared, is it because they feel they need to be someone else? It’s no surprise that boards, shareholders, investors demand greater visibility from their Chief Executive Officer.
As we grow we start to see the wood from the trees, as we mature many of us become more comfortable with who we are. I recently coached a group of executives and received feedback post our time together, a couple of the individuals took me to one side and said Nick you have this aura around you and contentment in who you are, you are very comfortable in who you are? How do you do that?
It got me thinking and really leaning into those wonderful remarks. Ever since a young boy I was exposed to so many different types of people from rich + famous to the homeless and everything in between. My quiet observant style probably shaped me more than I could ever imagine. Whilst I set myself extremely high standards and push my professional goals to another stratesfear I continue to be ok with who I am. It took me a great deal of time, reflection but the proof is in the pudding, being authentic isn’t hard – it stares right back at you each and every time you look in the mirror. It doesn’t lie, it doesn’t judge you and the more you look deep inside the more you will uncover your own unique authentic self.
Sure I get to sit alongside some of the most successful CEOs, executives and leaders in the world. They are no different to you or I, they sleep, eat, move, cry, laugh and below the surface have the same insecurities as everyone else. They are scared, they feel pain and they are ok showing their true self to others, they do not hide behind a mask (I wrote about this in a blog some years ago)
So what does it mean to be an authentic CEO?
Well that is an endless quest for many searching for their place in the world. Understanding your values, your beliefs, your strengths and development areas, appreciating your voice, views and how you treat yourself is a great starting place.

If you want to go further then I would encourage you to reach out to me here at Nick Roud Coaching and together let’s start the conversation. You may be surprised in what you find.