For many years Ive seen leaders struggle to come to terms with a forever growing list of things that in their mind must be done. It’s globally called a ‘To Do List’. I am confident that if you were to jump on your search engine, pop into your local library or even ask around the office people from all walks of life will have their own unique way of operating that to do list. 

As an executive leadership coach I know how much a daily struggle it is for leaders to nail down this action and it may come as no surprise to those who have engaged with me that I am not a big fan or advocate of a to do list. For one, making a to do list is a ‘never ending’ job a tireless job and one if you let it will very quickly get out of hand. I spoke to a client in Canada recently and she informed me that her to do list which she started on Sunday had all but not been looked at, everything was now pushed to another day. So I asked (Claire) not her real name what made you include those things on your to do list. Her response was because they are important! We discussed this for some time and I asked her what is her contribution to the organisation she runs? Then following her response I asked those 15 things you shared with me on your list how do they fit into your contribution? They didn’t she told me and then the reflection moment happened, Nick I thought they were important and now I see they are all things that others might be better doing! 

The point of a to do list is sometimes used to show just ‘how busy’ we are. 

Following a number of years of practice personally and by some of my client I have come to the conclusion that a to do list should not be the focus of a leader, it should be a ‘stop doing list’

Try it and if you need some support or help reach out to me. 

  Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it

Nick x | global award winning leadership coach | +6421375630

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at