Fundamentally we are all uniquely different. Born not as leaders more as curious natured beings. As we evolve through childhood, teenage years, through to adulthood we start to gain opinions, thoughts, behaviours and skills. Let’s call those our foundations where truly great things are built onto of. Nearly all of my CE coaching clients shared that they didn’t have it easy growing up. Let’s say they were not born with a silver spoon. They had to fight and work hard for their success. Many share times of emotional change within their families and environments which were’t all a bed of roses! One thing that they all do share with me is that inner-drive to be the very best! 

As an executive leadership coach who sits alongside successful CEOs I notice through my coaching work themes that are uncovered in truly great leaders. These are just a few of my observations towards ‘What All Great CEOs Do

  • Have clear vision
  • Have a burning inner drive to succeed
  • Never allow failure to enter their mind
  • Hire only the very best leaders to be part of that vision
  • Communicate consistently through good times and bad times
  • Make mistakes and own them
  • No when to course correct
  • Are curious and courageous
  • Get the very best out of others
  • Are ruthless when it comes to poor performance in themself
  • Set high expectations and don’t suffer fools

These may not be of any surprise to you as you read today’s daily blog and I know reflecting into my coaching sessions I have missed a few others, I hope it gives you a taste. Remember ‘you-do-you! 

It should be seen as a reminder that their are no quick hacks, shortcuts to the above, they each take considerable amount of effort and time.  

Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it

Nick x | global award winning leadership coach | 

Nick Roud is an Award Winning Executive Leadership Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand. To discuss your leadership development and or career coaching needs for yourself or your organisation contact Nick at