WHAT IS LEADERSHIP by Nick Roud, Executive Leadership Coach.
A never ending quest for those who seek leaving a lasting legacy! Leaders who are genuine in their intent all want to leave a lasting legacy that outlives themselves.
But what drives a human to want to lead?
Is it for the power, the prestige, the money, the title, the status?
Well I am very much in the camp that elite executives authentic leaders, the ones who show up day in day out, the ones who continue to invest in themselves and their own professional development are the ones who deeply want to ensure that they can lead others not only effectively but can help others be the the very best that they can be, and, in doing so are able to lift others up around them, which when one boils that right down to bare basics it is the true servant leader.
The quest isn’t for the faint hearted. Like elite sport professionals who want their team to win and be the very best they can be, a leader ensures that they are fit for purpose. When you see a true leader lead they have learnt who they are, they are superb listeners and they know where their strengths stop and where help is needed.
So what is leadership?
I am confident that if you jump on your favourite web browser and type in What is Leadership you will get thousands and thousands of pages full of though. It is a question I am often asked during the early stages of my coaching engagements with successful CEOs, executives and emerging leaders. Nick – What is Leadership?
Over the years I have come to realise as an executive coach their is no one definitive answer to this question. Take the various global locations, demographics, beliefs, values and more these will all impact the answer to the question. That is not to deflect the topic its just a fact. how a leader leads in New York might be different to how a leader leads in Melbourne!
The more executives around the world who I have the pleasure of coaching the narrower the themes I observe keep popping up and those themes, behaviours are what really boils down to a conclusion called, Individual leadership.

Whilst many will argue that leadership is about how do you as a leader perform in a team, a group I believe we should approach leadership through the lens of the Individuals eyes! I write, and speak a great deal that no two leaders are or will ever be the same, that a leader is made not born, that leader come in all shapes and sizes so I would be foolish to contradict myself now and shine the light that leadership is a ‘group’ topic. It’s not its a great deal deeper than that and each leader will benefit greatly if he/she allows themselves to hold up that mirror, get comfortable with what is looking back at them and then get to work. Leadership starts with you. If you fail here and not willing to get working on yourself then I would encourage you to step away from leading others. You will quickly get called out.
I am confident that I can share a few specific things which leadership is definitively not. The below list is not limited but will shine a light for the purpose of our leadership blog today.
Leadership is Not;
* squashing others ideas, thoughts and dreams
* dictating what must happen
* throwing others ‘under the bus’
* bullying to get what you want
* committing fraud
* trampling over others to get where you feel you ‘must’ be
* developing those around you
My take on what leadership is boils down to the following statement (I encourage you to read this a few times!)
‘Helping others realise their fullness both professionals and personally in an environment that is supportive, engaging and respectful’ Nick Roud, March 2023
Have you ever worked for a leader who is fully present with you, engaged, listening deeply and when needed offers thoughts that make you pause, think and reflect and encourages you to make mistakes?
Have you ever worked for a leader who screams and shouts at you, belittles you either one-on-one or in a group environment, says one thing and then does the complete opposite, takes the glory for your input/work/ideas?
So as you reflect on the above two examples who are you? What leader are you? How are you really showing up and What is your leadership legacy?
Leadership will always evolve, it will always see a small group of people doing it well, and, only a very few will leave a lasting legacy. How will you want your leadership legacy to be left!
I know what I choose and I encourage you to start right now on your own leadership approach. To discuss more about my one-on-one confidential leadership coaching then reach out to me on +6421375630.
Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it
Nick x
nickroud.com | global award winning leadership coach | +6421375630