There is no need to wait for things to get so bad and upsetting that you then take action. You spend so much time in your work you owe it to yourself to be in control of it. Just like driving a car you wouldn’t suddenly take your hands of the wheel move seats when driving! so why allow your career to be any different.
When things get so bad you people typically go into a ‘hazy’ stage which means they don’t or can’t think rationally. Mood swings, sleepless nights, lack of mojo, lack of tolerance all blur into one. When you are calm, clear, aware of what is going on etc you can make rational, formed decisions.
So my question to you is why wait for the ‘hazy’ period?
Having coached 1,000 of professionals for many years taking action could be taking care of yourself. When a person is looking after themselves with the right food, the right drinks, the right sleep, the right exercise and the right environments then things align and stuff starts to move. I’d encourage you not to get into a state of things being upsetting before you take action.
Reach out to me and let’s set up 2025 to be a year where more things go right than not.
Your career, you in control, you happier.