What Got You Here Will Get You There!

Many professionals strive and are driven to be a CEO. Transitioning to a CEO has many components to it and without question your personal confidence will be tested across multiple levels.

One aspect I notice in my newly appointed CE ie confidence and how when we start to peel back the onion there is a need to really step back and consider your own strengths and development needs. Recently a CE shared with me the constant thought of being ‘found out’ worried that he would not be successful in his new appointment and would let others down. 

We all find ourselves in new positions situations and as we try our best to navigate these new surroundings it’s important to really double down on the aspects that we are able to control. That could be how we show up (it’s ok to be nervous to be scared) it’s not unusual so wrap your arms around that and expect these feelings to be. How are you communicating to yourself to your stakeholders?  What message are you trying to get across! Have you spent the time getting 100% clear on your intentions your remit and what your boss(es) need from you?

No one is ever ready to step up from a C-level position into a CEO role. Nothing can ever prepare you so set the bar low I say. Start with simple little things like allowing yourself the opportunity to celebrate. Look ahead maybe 3 years (research out if the US is showing tenure of a CE sits bow around the 3-5 year mark) so ask yourself what would I like to have achieved in 5 years?  Now we must start getting to know our people. Whose match fit. Whose carrying an injury and whose time has come to an end. This time you can control. These conversations you can control and as a CE you must do this work quickly and promptly. 

What got you here will get you there.

I’ve never met a CE whose values, character, morals have changed the day they start a CE role. Sure you may now be stretched across areas / disciplines that you may not be a subject matter and this is where your people will now step up. Great leadership is about not losing sight of who you are/what do you stand for/how are you aligned to your values! Share your values your thoughts your vision. Don’t hide be yourself because that is what got you here!

I work with many C-Suite executives around the world who are stepping into their first CE role, together we work through a number of CEO transition steps, why! So you are prepared and focused on your job at hand.

My advice to you if you are about to move into a CE role,

Stop now right now trying to be someone or something else. You do you

If you are interested in an external sounding board and want to develop your leadership then reach out to nick@roudcareers.co.nz

Congratulations again and now get to work. 

Enjoy the art of learning and keep sharing your wisdom with others. The world needs you and we will all be better of for it

Nick x

nickroud.com | global award winning leadership coach |