April 8, 2021 The Words You Speak are Powerful Especially The Ones You Speak To Yourself!Robin Sharma The Nick Roud Podcast with Robert Tighe owner of Storybud The Nick Roud Podcast with special guest Robert Tighe. Let’s talk about Words! Robert Tighe on The Nick Roud...
The Words You Speak are Powerful Especially The Ones You Speak To Yourself! Robin Sharma Robert Tighe On The Nick Roud Podcast Every great leader, visionary and human is able to communicate a story. He or she have spent time on crafting their own unique authentic...
Meet Richard Young PhD High Performance is in Richard Young’s DNA >“Knowledge experts add, Performance experts subtract, most problems in high performance are addition problems that need a subtraction solution. ” — Richard Young PhD Meet Richard...
Meet Matt Young CEO of Quality Sport Hub “It is the challenge adversary & victory process that really defines who you really are!” — Matt Young Trade Taking for Giving, Trade Habits for Actions, Enough Talking! How can each give and Inspire...
I recently had a discussion live on radio with a well known media person here in New Zealand and we got onto the topic of CEO Coaching and the work that I do when coaching a CEO. It was an interesting conversation during the live radio broadcast and during our chat,...